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  1. Right so i find myself in a moment of confusion. These past few weeks i have been playing exile I've come to discover that people are loading AI mission crates into cargo vehicles (open top trucks/off-roads) But then.... I've asked about on many different servers how to perform this action. They have then replied with "It isn't implemented yet" which in all fairness confused me very much, i eventually carried on playing the game not thinking any more of it until today! i had been on top of my game and took out a fair few players at the AI mission... as i was about to claim my awards they had a vehicle (off-road) so i began to search it to my surprise they was nothing loaded in the cars cargo so then i proceeded to be a dick! i blew up the vehicle, as i took all the gear to the trader sold it i then began to make my way back to the horrific incident (for them lol) as the vehicle began to calm in its fire eruption the vehicle then cleared and de-spawned. To then my surprise a AI crate full with all sorts of goodness fell onto the floor. i saw it with my own eyes! i was then baffled in confusion even more because fellow players had told me once before that it "wasn't implemented yet" but this time i had seen it with my own eyes? The moral of the story is... can you add AI mission crates to your vehicle to save the painful situation you put yourself into to load all the guns individually into your car exposing yourself to many risks! please help a fellow exile gamer and put my question to rest!