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  1. @Knocks would you share with little old me?
  2. TBsThug

    Statusbar Help

    did not work for me and have not tried anything since sorry
  3. TBsThug

    Vehicle despawning and crates not saving

    Having the same thing here but with Vehicles despawning and Safes not keeping items after restarts.
  4. TBsThug

    Statusbar Help

    Don't I have to change the numbers at the end of the other lines? I just ask because of something in the back of my mind is telling me I did something like that. I will try what you posted, thank you
  5. TBsThug

    Statusbar Help

    Here is the statusBar.sqf I am using. https://pastebin.com/sGtaDFmy I want to remove hungry and thrust from the bar. I did it a couple of years ago and can't remember how. Can someone help?
  6. @Super Jerome What are you using now?
  7. TBsThug

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Will this script work on Tanoa?
  8. TBsThug

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    If I am using the R3F tow/lift, what script should I use for the Pods and cargo crates?
  9. TBsThug

    Trader Items

    class Exile_item_WoodWindowKit { quality = 1; price = 500; }; Can someone tell or point me in the right direction what the quality = 1 stands for? I see some that have quality = 4. to me that means when you buy it for 500tabs you get 4 of that item. Not clear on this.