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Everything posted by Schrodingersct

  1. Schrodingersct

    Getting kicked from all exile servers

    I keep getting kicked from every exile server i join, other games and mods are good. only running exile. I only last between 2 to 10 min before getting kicked. Tanoa servers i just time out and Altis i get kicked from game. admin have told me that its a steam check error. Every thing on my PC is legit, updated everything and verified everything. It seems like my head is saying hi to brick walls over and over again. Any help would be awesome.
  2. Schrodingersct

    Getting kicked from all exile servers

    Did u DL the mod with A3 launcher, if so you need to load the game the same way.
  3. Schrodingersct

    Getting kicked from all exile servers

    It was an A3 launcher issue, i now need to launch the mod/game with A3. thanks anyways ppl for your help.
  4. Schrodingersct

    Getting kicked from all exile servers

    Yer every thing is up to date and all folders are correct, i have had this prob from time to time in the last couple of years when mods update. last time i had to wait for a new update. Damit i want to play exile on the new map. its happens only when i load the new exile mod regardless of map.