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About Pandabeard

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  • Birthday 01/25/1993
  1. Pandabeard

    New in-game notifications

    Would it possible to add them without editing the exile client? Like a second place in the mission config or something like this?
  2. Pandabeard

    An idea for radiation zones

    What about the diver equipment? Possibly reskinned to yellow or something - but it's a whole protection and with the rebreather and the gasmask there is a technical realistic air protection. The biohazard uniforms look a bit nasty for me and doesn't fit the modern exile way!?
  3. Pandabeard

    New in-game notifications

    Hey, is there any place where I can add my own "CfgExileToasts" templates? I've tried it in the server config.cpp and the mission one but got everytime the message "UNKNOWN TOAST TEMPLATE:". I've found the place where it sends the message in the client but how can I solve this?
  4. Pandabeard

    Advanced Banking - Spieler keinen Zugriff

    Same problem here - did you found any solution?