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  1. Redcloud78

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    look at xmg's mission.sqm as an example starting at id#194 cntrl f 194 when his spoiler is open I tried it out and it worked fine his are setup at altis gas stations only change i made was to turn his tent's into phone booth's
  2. Redcloud78

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    for the zombies not attacking has anyone tried with and without infistar infis has a setting that keeps the players rating at 1 million full time
  3. Redcloud78

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    I think he needs to add "ryanzombies"in to his mission.sqm addons maybe if not there at exile_server_config\config.cpp
  4. Redcloud78

    Какую систему миссий посоветуете?
  5. Redcloud78

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    and to prevent being able to recruit traders and other weird choices bon_recruit_units\init.sqf //Select false if you want to use a a static unit list //You can customize static lists in recruitable_units_static.sqf bon_dynamic_list = false;
  6. Redcloud78

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    in the recruit.sqf try adding this bon_recruit_queue = bon_recruit_queue + [_queuepos]; ExileClientPlayerMoney = ExileClientPlayerMoney - 500;
  7. Redcloud78

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    Price idk how to set but if you have some time could you change 2 of the recuits clothing to these classnames and report back if they behave like the soldiers do? you will find the place to edit them here in bon_recruit_units\recruitable_units_static.sqf bon_recruit_recruitableunits = Alsatian_Sandblack_F and I_UGV_01_rcws_F if this work idk about you but i'd much prefer just a dog along side me that can attack and be used as a packhorse or cokemule that ugv there is an ai not a vehicle you could sit in it and order it to drive you or if you have your own vehicle it would easily keep up with you and it would have an inventory for you to store items in there is also an unarmed version of it ...
  8. Redcloud78

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    @Hue Hefner we do know that changing the clothing has an effect on what they shoot at for example the exile players group is Independent so if you want them to kill a.i. and zombies you would put clothing on the that begins with I_ but to shoot at players infistar has a setting that keeps players rating at 9,999,999 at all times you would need to comment out or delete a line infistars Exile_AH.sqf line#2068 if(rating player < 999999)then{player addRating 9999999;};this should then allow the player's rating to fall below zero and if he's been a bad guy player killing all the time and has a low rating the recruit ai will see this and engage. (but then will the recruited one day turn on you ahah) for the money a code like this should probably be inserted somewhere if (ExileClientPlayerMoney > 500) then { ExileClientPlayerMoney = ExileClientPlayerMoney - 500; };
  9. Redcloud78

    Starting items?

    Just add this to bambi loadout "Exile_Melee_Axe" you may need to add ammo above this axe "Exile_Magazine_Swing" if you don't want to add the ammo just drop the axe and pick it up again and press reload
  10. Redcloud78

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    @bregan5 probably just [] execVM "Zombience.sqf"; and the file place in the mpmisisons directory seems to be the way they were spawned in @ arma 2 dayz which was nice but i can see flaws like them spawning in safe zones or coming in to your base but by look in at the existing a.i. scripts you can of course find lines of code to add in that will prevent that
  11. Redcloud78

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    This seems pretty new lightweight easy on the server
  12. Redcloud78

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    Are other weird recruits showing up for you guys like traders and cutscene police and exile base guards also some stuff floating above that powerline in the background probably for sure have to change their clothing names to not match what trader area npc's are wearing
  13. Redcloud78

    Recruiting ai in exile (Consolidated)

    So xmg your just loading the regular arma 3 editor with only exile mod loaded not m3 editor or anything and afterwards saving to mpmissions and this creates a mission.sqm useable online play? and your zombies do they trigger when people come near and cleanup if nobody is around and do they travel a set waypoint sorry for all the questions as I am still using the script folder method for ryans zombies woah im way off topic here your tents are they at all gas stations?
  14. Redcloud78

    Help With Revive Script

    maybe this may offer some hints but really no actual point in trying anymore defib coming
  15. Redcloud78

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    combined with this should be a new topic made for this altogether