Shane Martin

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Everything posted by Shane Martin

  1. This is a quick and dirty way to disable thermal from vehicles / helicopters, and delete weapons from vehicles (eg missiles). The reason for using ExileServer_object_vehicle_createPersistentVehicle.sqf is that when loading the server and buying from trader both of these events call this file to create the vehicle. in ExileServer_object_vehicle_createPersistentVehicle.sqf, copy the code below and replace: /** * Exile Mod * * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ private["_className","_position","_direction","_usePositionATL","_pinCode","_vehicleObject"]; _className = _this select 0; _position = _this select 1; _direction = _this select 2; _usePositionATL = _this select 3; _pinCode = _this select 4; _vehicleObject = createVehicle [_className, _position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; //Let's remove missiles! _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["missiles_DAR",[-1]]; _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["missiles_DAGR",[-1]]; //Let's remove thermal from Tanks / Helis! _vehicleObject disableTIEquipment true; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehicleObject; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicleObject; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicleObject; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicleObject; _position set[2, (_position select 2) + 0.25]; _vehicleObject setDir _direction; if (_usePositionATL) then { _vehicleObject setPosATL _position; } else { _vehicleObject setPosASL _position; }; _vehicleObject setVariable ["ExileIsPersistent", true]; _vehicleObject setVariable ["ExileAccessCode",_pinCode]; _vehicleObject addEventHandler ["GetOut", { _this call ExileServer_object_vehicle_event_onGetOut}]; _vehicleObject addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", { _this call ExileServer_object_vehicle_event_onMPKilled}]; _vehicleObject call ExileServer_system_simulationMonitor_addVehicle; _vehicleObjectIn the example above I have took out the rockets for the heli's (AH-9, Orca and Hellcat) and disabled the thermal imaging equipment on all vehicles. To disable the cannons on the AMV-7 Marshall, add the code below: _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["autocannon_40mm_CTWS",[0]]; For the miniguns on the UH-80 Ghosthawk, add the code below (Thanks to Kugane for letting me know it wasn't working): _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["LMG_Minigun_Transport",[1]]; _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["LMG_Minigun_Transport2",[2]];For the AH-99 Blackfoot: add the code below: //Disable weapons AH-99 _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["missiles_DAGR",[0]]; _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["missiles_ASRAAM",[0]];For the MI-48, add the code below: //Disable Weapons MI-48 Kajman _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["missiles_SCALPEL",[0]]; _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["rockets_Skyfire",[0]];For the AFV-4, add the code below: //AFV-4 Gorgon _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["autocannon_30mm_CTWS",[0]]; _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["missiles_titan",[0]];For the BTR-K, add the code below: //BTR-K _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["autocannon_30mm_CTWS",[0]]; _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["missiles_titan",[0]];For the FV-720, add the code below: //FV-720 _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["autocannon_30mm",[0]];For the MSE-3, add the code below: //mse-3 madrid _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["GMG_40mm",[0]];For the IFV-6C, add the add the code below: //ifv-6c _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["GMG_40mm",[0]]; If you need any help, post below Shane
  2. Shane Martin

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    Just add: enableEngineArtillery false; Where I have said to add the other parts, this will take away all artillery computers from vehicles. Shane
  3. Shane Martin

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    Yeah, for some reason it doesn't affect the PiP screens, I have already bug reported this but still no action on Bohemias part. Shane
  4. Shane Martin

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    Hi, I have made a YouTube video on how to do this, if anyone else wants to know how I get the weapons ect it will be helpful, hope this shows you that it will still work even when re-arming. Link: Shane
  5. Shane Martin

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    Hi all, I have been busy working hence the lack of replies and I apoligise, I will look into these now and let you know. Shane
  6. Shane Martin

    Adding actions to objects

    Hi, What would be the easiest way to addactions to players for a specific object, eg "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static". I know the CfgInteractionMenus would be adequate but since that is in the client's .pbo it is untouchable. Is there anyway to custom call a interaction menu in the mission folder that will execute for all players? Many thanks, Shane
  7. Shane Martin

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    I will update this tonight, been away from Exile due to work so I will get back on and look at the spawn coding to see where to call this for you all
  8. Shane Martin

    Wrong server version?

    Any chance you can message me the .rpt logs? Regards, Shane, infiSTAR Support
  9. Shane Martin

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    Sorry for the late reply, It might be because of the position of the LMG on the vehicle you're taking it away from. Depending on the position of the tank (eg driver, commander, gunner, loader) then the position changes (eg -1,0 or 1). Best bet to do is to go into the editor, place the vehicle you want to get rid of the lmg down and a player unit for yourself, and then while in the different positions, press escape, and in the 'watch' field type in the following: vehicle player weaponsTurret [0]Of course change this to either -1, 0 or 1 depending on the position, and that number you then use in the number after the weapon, for example: _vehicleObject removeWeaponTurret ["LMG_M200",[0]]; //so either [-1]]; [0]]; or [1]];You should then be good to go :), Shane
  10. Shane Martin

    How to remove rockets from mas helicopters

    Hi, Have a look at the following, and just add the weapon classnames of the vehicle you want to strip, I have listed all the major A3 vehicles. Just take out the thermal bit if you still want to use thermals. Regards, Shane
  11. Shane Martin

    PublicVariables / "AH_STARTED_TWICE"

    Only infiSTAR_Exile is required. Regards, Shane, infiSTAR Suppor
  12. Shane Martin

    Spawning Bike/QuadBike etc.

    notice the ExileClient, it is part of the exile_client.pbo, so client side files not server side ones. Just copy it over to the server in the folder that you need. Shane
  13. Shane Martin

    Adding actions to objects

    No problems
  14. Shane Martin

    Adding actions to objects

    I can't move the CfgInteractionMenus to the mission as it's a part of the config.cpp in the clients pbo file. Since CfgInteractionMenus doesn't have a function name, how would that work? Have you changed _CAP = true; to _CAP = false; ? Shane
  15. Shane Martin

    Adding actions to objects

    How would I go about doing this? Adding it to the exilecustomcode, creating a new file and adding them in there and calling it via init.sqf? Regards, Shane
  16. Shane Martin

    DeleteVehicle Restriction #0

    Is there any chance you have the server.rpt for that time and date to see what was going on? Regards, Shane, infiSTAR Support
  17. Shane Martin


    Since Chris (infiSTAR) is now part of the dev team most of his fixes were brought over. However, as said above, arma 1.52 in terms of server fps are wayy better than before, due to the extensive server testing the Exile devs did to try and work out the problem (from what I read it was in the core arma engine). That's why the infiSTAR github has gone along with the fix, as it's no longer needed. In regards to your server, check your server.rpt file and it'll tell you what's wrong Regards, Shane, infiSTAR Support.
  18. Shane Martin

    InfiSTAR ban players (VEMF_Client)

    VEMF = vampires epoch mission file, but updated to Exile. Works fine without client and battleye filters.
  19. Shane Martin

    Vehicle Thermal

    Hi, I know you have now added the disableTIEquipment to the config and the vehicle_createPersistantVehicle file, but the thermal is still showing on the PiP screens. I think this is an ArmA 3 bug, I have created a ticket on their feedback tracker about this so any support to get this issue addressed would be appreciated. ArmA 3 feedback link: Regards, Shane
  20. Shane Martin

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    Hasn't worked, PiP screens still show thermal. Shane
  21. Shane Martin

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    Testing now to see if it blocks the PiP camera
  22. Shane Martin

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    Guy's, remember to let me know if things are working or not lol
  23. Shane Martin

    Armored vehicles

    For thermal removal look at the following link:
  24. Shane Martin

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    Basically like below. I haven't tested this on a live server yet but have in the editor, so just be warned. if ((typeOf (_vehicleObject)) == "I_MRAP_03_hmg_F") then { _vehicleObject addWeaponTurret ["missiles_SCALPEL",[0]]; _vehicleObject addMagazineTurret ["6Rnd_LG_scalpel",[0]]; }; if ((typeOf (_vehicleObject)) == "B_Heli_Light_01_F") then { _vehicleObject addWeaponTurret ["Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F",[-1]]; _vehicleObject player addMagazineTurret ["1000Rnd_Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F",[-1]]; }; There ya go Shane
  25. Shane Martin

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    Little problem in regards to disabling TI Equipment, the vehicles that have the thermal monitors still show thermal on the monitors. I have posted this issue on the A3 feedback, if you could all upvote it and add comments so they will hopefully fix it: I know how to, give me a few to code it. Shane