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About Nightshade

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  1. Nightshade


    One of the best servers I've ever played on! Admin and support staff are constantly updating and evolving the server to meet player needs. The AI is amazing, everything is well balanced for a great player experience. Jump on and check it out!!
  2. Nightshade

    Admins who play

    I am a new*ish admin on an Exile server. I have previous experience on other arma servers including vanilla arma, and Altis Life. While I must say that I have gotten more "killed by cheating admin" in Exile than any other mod, I am also the most prepared for it. Here are a few things that I do to be as transparent as possible, and create a safety net for players who just wont let it go. 1. If I'm not actively assisting a player, or investigating/monitoring possible anti-hack flags, I have infistar admin disabled, Period. ("!admin" in chat to toggle). 2. If I'm playing and a player needs admin assistance beyond answering questions, I make sure I say "I'm on my player account, I'll need to switch to admin". This tends to let people understand that there CAN be a delineation between admins and players. 3. Record, Record, Record. If your computer can handle capturing your game-play through one of the various video capture programs, (fraps, shadowplay, razr, OBS, DxTory, Badicam, etc.) Do it!. I begin recording from the time I login, till the time I'm done. If an event such as a kill, an admin assist, or a glitch happens, I stop and restart the recording to a new file. It runs about 4gb per hour at 1080p and I delete videos after about a week or chop them up into highlights. If a player makes a complaint for any reason, I can clearly show myself not only logging out of infistar, but the events that led up to the moment from my perspective. Just a youtube link away. Tell your admins to play without infistar enabled unless needed and hold them to it. I guarantee you'll see a turn around in your player community.