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Everything posted by theninja35

  1. theninja35

    Corners of screen are dirty

    Oh, I thought this was intentional.
  2. theninja35

    Base and Vehicle Lock Security?

    Definitely longer PIN codes. I guessed an entire group's PIN code, getting over 80k worth of gear, because it is so short. RIP for them. I have thought about it, and brute force code locks or whatever would be fine if they were expensive and had a high fail rate.
  3. theninja35

    Limit Pop Tabs to 3,000 and add commodities

    This would increase trader camping far more than what it is currently, which is still quite a bit. I do not like the idea, primarily for this reason. It will promote trader camping to a great extent and will potentially cause a massive population decrease on some servers. It is fun to get into those sorts of gunfights, but when you're extremely excited to get something and all of a sudden you get sniped out of your vehicle, it's no longer fun. Then, the sniper or trader campers are in possession of more many than the one who came with it. Not only that, but making money would be extremely hard. You'd have to sell it then turn it into gold or metal, which could take decades depending on how much. The Mafia is also what the traders are made around. The reason there is a bank that makes sense is because the Mafia are the ones who hold everyone's money, which is your currency in your bank. Think of it as a personal "vault".
  4. theninja35

    Revert to old Arma weapon sway system

    The weapon sway happens no matter what gear, and that's another part of why it's unrealistic. It's fine if it had that weapon sway if you came out of running, were just being shot at, and had every piece of gear in the game. But to walk a foot, with nothing on you but a few mags, and lay down and the weapon sway is still so much that an accurate shot cannot be made, that's unrealistic.
  5. theninja35

    Im leaving the tradezone bitchezzzz!!

    You must have been going 88MPH, and now you're going Back to the Future!
  6. theninja35

    Show off your base.

    Mantis, I thought you were the giant, long base. I didn't think you'd have this ginormous freakin' tower. The worse thing is, I've never seen it.
  7. theninja35

    Water base

    Sounds like it is meant to happen, but you could just get a submarine and a bunch of wooden supports and build extremely far up, then have a sort of oil rig styled base which would be absolutely amazing.
  8. theninja35

    Ability to pick/hack code lock

    I think it's fair that you'd have to figure it out yourself, it is a touchpad/PIN code. Or maybe, which I think would be awesome, is the ability to touch the touchpad and see if it's warm anywhere, and it would only be warm if the owner opened it within half an hour earlier. Then, if it was warm enough, you could figure out the code based on warmth. However, as it is, either guess the PIN, blow up the wall, or leave and try another day.
  9. theninja35

    Show off your base.

    Welcome to Fort Raptor. Established and built by one man, Fort Raptor's purpose is to flail its beauty and intimidate others who fly, drive, or boat by. Despite a stunning and fierce look, Fort Raptor also has a protection capability beyond any other base. With a shell-system to prevent bullets going through the walls, Fort Raptor also serves as a safe haven for its "guardians". A helipad on the top is a perfect landing spot, covered with half walls for maximum protection. Around the helipad, only a story lower, is a balcony protected by half walls, with 4 guardian towers on each corner. Accessible by land, air, and sea, stunning looks, and a predatory protection system, Fort Raptor is a base made only for the best. (That description sounded pretty sweet.)