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About Trips

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  1. thanks for the very helpful video. This is probably some easy fix that is going over my head... but anyone know why my buildings are permanently locked when i put them in this way? Does it have something to do with turning them into simple objects, cause even lights or gas pumps no longer work as well. Found the fix. Needed to enable simulation.
  2. Is it possible to combine both of the Custom Tanoa TradeZones (1 & 2)? Right now I have Custom Tanoa TradeZone 2 (airfield) on my map and absolutely love it. However, with one major TradeZone its starts to become congested and overrun with assclowns who troll/camp/steal in it constantly. And your first Custom Tanoa TradeZone (north) on the volcano adds a second major TradeZone and would fit perfectly (with all of the great customization). Keep up the great work and can't wait to see your tutorial videos. After trying this myself I have a whole new level of respect for people who can make this stuff (actual work properly).
  3. does this method still work with Exile 1.0+ ?
  4. Trips

    Extended Base Mod

    Okay, i will try that. Thanks for the help.
  5. Trips

    Extended Base Mod

    Here is my .rpt (from my dropbox). I added the last lines below SERVER/arma3server_2016-09-13_12-43-46.rpt
  6. Trips

    Extended Base Mod

    Yeah we have Ai & Missions, but the fps isn't struggling. The error that shows up is "Cannot create non-ai vehicle Exile_ConcreteMixer_Preview"... btw thanks for the great mod.
  7. Trips

    Extended Base Mod

    Does anyone happen to know why some items comes up blank when trying to place them? I get all the building commands menu but nothing is there and the only option is to abort construction. For the most part everything works just fine, but Cement Mixer (which is kinda important), Small Red Container & Shabby Lamp are invisible when trying to place them... and then disappear on restart when stored in inventory. Could this have something to do with infiSTAR?