[SiN] Pvt.Dancer

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Everything posted by [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

  1. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Delete Vehicle restriction #0

    OK so I've seen a few of these randomly but I haven't been able to pin point the cause. Anyone know how to format the below delete vehicle log? Console: Player #0 Griff (abc5b295ae8aa2cb5f134dd4de85920d) has been kicked by BattlEye: DeleteVehicle Restriction #0 Deletevehicle.txt Log: 09.10.2015 12:46:49: Griff ( abc5b295ae8aa2cb5f134dd4de85920d - #0 2:2309 Thanks for the assit
  2. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Delete Vehicle restriction #0

    Honestly I just replaced all of my BE Filters after this and I haven't seen an issue since. so I'm not sure, but that's what worked for me.
  3. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Delete Vehicle restriction #0

    It's close to mine so I tried a couple of extra entries from a little earlier in the post and will give it a go. thanks.
  4. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Latest infiSTAR & Exile 0.9.35 Not Working

    Falcon's right. I've had this exact same problem before. and every time it was me missing a comma or messing up something.
  5. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    ok i need help with battle eye filters ("script restriction #58")

    Add this to the end of line 50 !=""e 1 "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\initPlayerLocal.sqf"\n[] execVM "addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf";\n[] execVM "addons\welcome\"" Good luck sir.
  6. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    SetPos Restriction #1

    Yeah, I'm not that desperate. I learned my lesson on that long ago. lol Thanks.
  7. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    SetPos Restriction #1

    Interesting. Your second line has Exile_Unit_Player in quotes mine didn't.... I added the quotes too for funsies. let's see what happens! Thanks again.
  8. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer


    The two slashes you added any reading on why those are added? (I'm assuming that's what I missed) At this point I haven't been adding any slashes when putting these into my filters.
  9. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Restriction #41 Reparing Veicules

    Looks like it was missing a set of quotes. Same as before try adding the following to the end of line 43 with a space between every entry. !=""xile_Item_DuctTape" in _equippedMagazines) then\n{\n_vehicle setDamage 0;\nplayer removeMagazineGlobal "Exile_Item_DuctTape";"
  10. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    SetPos Restriction #1

    Thanks, Will give that a go. Prior to adding the recommended line the second line only had the following 7 Exile_unit_player No quotes nothing so I appended the line you recommended to it and we will see if that comes up any more. The rest of my problems are now infistar.... Thanks again Rabbit.
  11. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    ok i need help with battle eye filters ("script restriction #58")

    If that is the exact error you're getting then add the following to the end of line 60, put a space in between each filter you're adding. IE !="filter" !="Custom filter" !=""["\ryanzombies\functions\fn_ModuleSpawn.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RyanZM","Ryanzombiesfactionmodule","rzfunctionspawn"]""
  12. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer


    That is a different kick. Add the following to the end of line 54. (as before don't forget to put a space between each new entry.) !="\"t) then {\nif (halvStyle) then {\n\"Gr8s_kill_msg\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {\n_id = (_this select 1);\n_killerName = _id selec\""
  13. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    SetPos Restriction #1

    Hi Sushini, I'm having the same problem. I've been working on a solution but I'm afraid I don't have one yet. so far I've been trying to add the following to the setpos.txt file with no luck !="2:4813 Exile_Unit_Player [4891,14423,17]" However I've never been kicked for it but some of the same people keep getting kicked over and over.
  14. Rod just helped me with this so I'll pass it along here. "Take the contents of CfgLootTables.hpp and put them in your CfgLootTables section of exile_server_config/config.cpp" cheers
  15. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Compiler tool

    Holy crap... it's that easy? Thank you sir, it's much appreciated. If a mod sees this. This is obviously in the wrong section and should be moved if you feel so inclined.
  16. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Compiler tool

    So I was searching for some instructions\information on the compiler that's on the download section of the newest update. I know it fixes issues with the holder loot table format but I'm not sure where to place the CfgLootTables.hpp file. or if I'm just doing it entirely wrong at this point. Any help would be appreciated and save me some time lol.
  17. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Server wipes

    Does anyone have good advice for "Server wipes" IE is it easier just to recreate the DB if you want to wipe it or is there an easier way in MySQL work bench to just wipe it?
  18. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Loot spawning issues since 9.34

    Hey guys, So I've had 5 people all have problems getting loot to spawn even after re-logging. I've had the issue my self but in a much more limited capacity. Everything else seems to be working pretty good but not loot. I did everything in the instructions for the update EXCEPT the server wipe. So my question is, is anyone else having this problem and if so did you do the wipe? Thanks for any help you can provide.
  19. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Loot spawning issues since 9.34

    After some digging. I was the problem of course. I messed up the stupid config file and some how got the config from the last version.
  20. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Loot spawning issues since 9.34

    Well I fixed my config but still no loot. :\ I'll keep working on it.
  21. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Server wipes

    coolio. doesn't sound too bad. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't like a command that could be run and do it faster. Thanks for the response.
  22. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Loot spawning issues since 9.34

    OK so I was reviewing my settings and spotted my potential problem that I"m going to fix first before trying a server wipe. I accidentally add a 0 onto the spawn radius making it 750M not 75M so I was probably destroying my server. any ways I'll see if that little fix helps or not.
  23. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    vehicles wont lock

    Anything else that might cause it not to work though? I just downloaded and updated using 9.32B and atleast 3 players including me can't lock anything. can unlock just not lock. I'm going to fiddle with some stuff to see what I can do.
  24. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Script restriction #48

    Anyone know how to figure out whats causing this to happen? I believe if I read this right it's in the "Scripts" filter? Fixed by adding the following to scripts !="icons\compass.paa' color='%6'/> %10</t>",\n\n"%",\ncount playableUnits,\n_damage,\n_wallet,\n_serverFPS,\n_stamina,\n_colourDefaul" AND !""\mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\initPlayerLocal.sqf\" Mod can close this thread.
  25. [SiN] Pvt.Dancer

    Slow server load

    Anyone have any idea what could cause a server to load slowly? This just started happening after I updated some settings in the exile_server_config.pbo. So the server starts it starts running the script to kick each slot then says "Game Started" and then sits there for 10-15 min sometimes longer.