Hey Guys, I've looked around the forums and all the eseeker threads I can find but I can't seem to find the solution to my problem. I've added aia & eseeker to my server (both are in the main server folder) but when trying to start I am getting the error below. I have checked my servers addons folder and the Eseeker.pbo is definitely in there. My command line is set up as - mod=@Exile;@AllInArmaTerrainPack;@Eseeker; -servermod=@ExileServer;@infiSTAR_Exile; config=@ExileServer\config.cfg -cfg=@ExileServer\basic.cfg and my mission sqm is set as: class Mission { addOns[] = {"exile_client","eseeker"}; addOnsAuto[] = {"exile_client","eseeker"}; randomSeed = 8080942; class Intel { Am I missing something somewhere?