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About SgtGolden

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  1. SgtGolden

    Updates coming fast like grenades

    Now this is what I love. You have someone make a thread and bring a topic about something that is important and nobody is here to whine or complain. This thread was made so the developers and staff understand what is happening and for them to think of a better wait to deal with updates. I am not shocked how some peoples responded in their passive defence mode. However I was shocked how nicely the developer responded and thank you. I was expecting the developers to go in defences mode but it was the other way around. Now this people who like to go on defences mode right away, slow down and calm down. Nobody here is attacking the mod you like but we are showing an important point to the developers. On the other hand we had something great that come from this thread becuase we find out that the exile staff team need to think of a better way to do testing. So I really hope they do take the suggestions given by people and improve the testing system so in the end it helps the developers themselves and the people who run this servers.
  2. SgtGolden

    Updates coming fast like grenades

    They do not force you but they are dependent on people to run their mod. This thread is to let them know ways they can improve, nobody is here to say they are leaving.
  3. SgtGolden

    Updates coming fast like grenades

    I totally do agree with the thread. This is very annoying because exile mod depends on people hosting it on their server but the exile team need to remember to care about this communities and owners because why should people who give their own time to host the mod on their server and not really getting payed get so challenged by the modders then it will make them think again about hosting. I do agree it can be linked to bad management becuase if it was down to the testers then do something like what "READTHESCROLL" said and suggested Improvement has to be made because it looks very bad. I hope the exile team do see this thread and take something from it please.