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Everything posted by oversoul

  1. oversoul

    Canned Food

    From Russia:
  2. oversoul

    RISE is looking for NA/EU 18+ players

    You still dem bois?
  3. oversoul

    Goodbye, Arma!

  4. oversoul


    Zulu is right though, Born. You should change it.
  5. oversoul

    Base Raiding

    You're smoking dope if you think I am downloading anything Exile related to my mobile device.
  6. Real classy maneuver deleting the entire discussion about the recent Dev Blog post concerning physical pop tabs. Why even have a forum?
  7. oversoul

    New Weapons & Pop Tab Pouch

    It's possible to have a bone stock Exile server that fills up on most days. I play on one. Interesting updates. Ya'll are working hard.
  8. oversoul

    Clans a.k.a. "Families"

    You can still manually wire tabs (bounties) to players who kill another player. At least for now.
  9. oversoul

    Concrete Constructions - Part 4

    Thanks for the hard work on the new base components. Ya'll had this ole boy worried went ya'll went down that rabbit hole of Namalsk, rad zones, etc. Thanks.
  10. oversoul

    Locker (Private Stash)

    I just came here to slurp up bandit camper tears. :}
  11. oversoul

    Locker (Private Stash)

    " Rip physical currency " This is what happens when the players and community gets a voice in a mod or game's direction. You can't make everyone happy. But you can make most people not actively pissed off.
  12. oversoul

    New Respect System - Part 2

    I can see the continued trend of dev opposition to the accumulation of anything (loot, vehicles, tabs, territory, rep). I predict the rise of a Master Race of Rep Vampires, basically an uber camp where you wait for them to pick up a pistol (not bambi) and then suck away their precious rep. Should be interesting and different, either way. It will probably be composed of the same set of skilled, patient players that already spent months accumulating a kingdom worth of treasure.
  13. oversoul

    Concrete Constructions

    Interesting times indeed.
  14. The "hard core" servers run by the people who have commented are mostly empty. Strange. Some have only been running for 18 days, so maybe that explains it? There's no fault in that really. I like how the diversity of servers is a sort of ecosystem where the most popular play environment percolates to the top of the rankings. The one I play on is the top US Exile Altis plain (nothing more) server, but what do we know? I don't even care, because just like Exile replaced the quite terrible A3 Epoch experience, the second it becomes grindy and greifer riddled, something better will arise to replace it. Even if Exile forces me to slither around the tall grass with a Vermin-SD-ACOG >>>AND NOTHING ELSE<<< I think I will do alright. I thought this would devolve into a pissing contest as the players posting vacuous "COD kids" "crying intesifies" etc and images devoid of coherent thought they would drag us down and beat us with experience. Sometimes it sucks being right.
  15. oversoul

    A challenge to competitive clans

    Well when you're retired at 35, there's time for hobbies!
  16. No, not really. You assume too much, and look rather silly. The group of players around me are heavy into PVP. It's easy to gear up in stock Exile, and we play on a server with a more "lenient" economy than stock Exile. Any player can get a .408 TWS on day one. Then die. Then we take their shit. You will never be able to buy skill in AF Trader, not even with 5 million tabs. As for safes, there are already servers with local mods that remove the inviolate nature of safes by various mechanisms. There is already a mechanism in stock Exile to access bases AND safes if you are clever enough to complete a thorough stalk. So the mod already rewards clever play while punishing dumb and unaware play at the same time. I like how you and other defenders of proposed changes gloss over this fine point. I have to applaud you, however, for actually laying down some thoughts vice a 10 second google search for a barely applicable meme. Your thoughts seemed to be aimed at me, and they are incorrect. You must be referring to the forum poll wherein 140 people, which is 0.7% or less than one one hundredth of the average daily exile players, weighed in. Overwhelming support indeed. I realize not every Exile player comes to forums; I rarely did until I caught a sniff of these (imo) terrible griefer enabling management decisions. But to run a poll for a week and then shut it down and wipe hands and proclaim "case closed" and then delete dissenting comments on the devblog when the numbers start to sway the other direction is just silly. I realize some camps of thought are arguing to make Exile into the game mode they enjoy most. There should be some room to maneuver for server staff, and there will be. These two recent discussions, pop tabs and base raiding, seem to want to shift the balance of power away from smart, methodical, team play and put it into the hands of the 3AM crew, the lone guy online for 15 minutes causing maxiumum grief. How ironic that critique of this style gets labeled as "COD" and "crying." The server configurations that support heavy PVP, a balanced economy, and fair but aggressive play will filter to the top of the rankings and be populated. I am strangely OK with the list of servers being populated mainly by empty "super hardcore mode" servers. It will always be a competitive biosphere where the best rise to the top.
  17. The only "kids" I see are the ones who reply to legitimate concerns and critique with character slander instead of argument or discussion. That tells me everything I need to know about the player type that supports these development decisions.
  18. No kidding. I would think the tears of the devs would drown a whale. But apparently just deleting all the comments is easier.
  19. oversoul

    Base Raiding Feedback

    This seems like a circular discussion. 1. Base gets cracked open. Player has loot stored in crates. You can take the loot. And the box and sell it. (on some servers) All is well in bandit kingdom! === OR === 2. Base gets cracked open. He's offline, but his goods are in safes; he though ahead. Safes that cost him 10,000 tabs a piece. (on boring servers with default economy) This will not do! We need a feature to crack safes! "I must haev his lootz or I will never be pretty!" So the status quo of Exile v0.9.6 already punishes poorly built bases and rewards well built ones. Action, reaction. The timeless dance of the Universe. Base hostile takeover seems to me at first a terrible idea, especially considering imminent changes to monetary storage. But if I was a smart admin, I would make the territory per player limit 20 or so to allow people to have up to 20 1x1 territories with safe for money storage. Now which 1x1 territory should I attack now? hmmm? I guess the general theme here is that for every one dev change that is deleterious to gameplay, there are about 10 solutions server admins could implement to thwart them. Is this the road the devs want to go down? On a personal note, I would >>>LOVE<<< to know the political alignment IRL of the players proposing limits on poptab per player. But I think I already know. I am a lot less eloquent than this fella, but he nails it:
  20. oversoul

    Knife should be removed

    They are extremely scarce so the effect is not as disruptive as you think. When I tried to only one I found (dead player) it broke anyway. Regarding the off topic e-boner stroking, at the pace the devs are moving, Arma 4 or 5 will be out before base raiding is "implemented" anyway.
  21. oversoul

    Thoughts on how to "fix" Exile as a whole

    You make no moral distinction between killing players in open PVP and patrolling the map to blow up 5/10/20 locked player vehicles. Unless you think PVP is griefing? What an odd opinion.
  22. Regardless of where a person stands on the topic of physical vice virtual currency, or the myriad mixtures thereof, this looks quite silly at a glance: I even used a conservative calculation: all votes div average daily players. Hard mode: yes votes into all, 0.02% or a fifth of a tenth of one percent.
  23. oversoul

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    I just get the sense that there is a movement that wants to thieve and grief because they're too lazy to grind or too inept to complete missions.