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About oversoul

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  1. oversoul

    Canned Food

    From Russia:
  2. oversoul

    RISE is looking for NA/EU 18+ players

    You still dem bois?
  3. oversoul

    Goodbye, Arma!

  4. oversoul


    Zulu is right though, Born. You should change it.
  5. oversoul

    Base Raiding

    You're smoking dope if you think I am downloading anything Exile related to my mobile device.
  6. oversoul

    New Weapons & Pop Tab Pouch

    It's possible to have a bone stock Exile server that fills up on most days. I play on one. Interesting updates. Ya'll are working hard.
  7. oversoul

    Clans a.k.a. "Families"

    You can still manually wire tabs (bounties) to players who kill another player. At least for now.
  8. oversoul

    Concrete Constructions - Part 4

    Thanks for the hard work on the new base components. Ya'll had this ole boy worried went ya'll went down that rabbit hole of Namalsk, rad zones, etc. Thanks.
  9. oversoul

    Locker (Private Stash)

    I just came here to slurp up bandit camper tears. :}
  10. oversoul

    Locker (Private Stash)

    " Rip physical currency " This is what happens when the players and community gets a voice in a mod or game's direction. You can't make everyone happy. But you can make most people not actively pissed off.
  11. oversoul

    New Respect System - Part 2

    I can see the continued trend of dev opposition to the accumulation of anything (loot, vehicles, tabs, territory, rep). I predict the rise of a Master Race of Rep Vampires, basically an uber camp where you wait for them to pick up a pistol (not bambi) and then suck away their precious rep. Should be interesting and different, either way. It will probably be composed of the same set of skilled, patient players that already spent months accumulating a kingdom worth of treasure.
  12. oversoul

    Concrete Constructions

    Interesting times indeed.
  13. The "hard core" servers run by the people who have commented are mostly empty. Strange. Some have only been running for 18 days, so maybe that explains it? There's no fault in that really. I like how the diversity of servers is a sort of ecosystem where the most popular play environment percolates to the top of the rankings. The one I play on is the top US Exile Altis plain (nothing more) server, but what do we know? I don't even care, because just like Exile replaced the quite terrible A3 Epoch experience, the second it becomes grindy and greifer riddled, something better will arise to replace it. Even if Exile forces me to slither around the tall grass with a Vermin-SD-ACOG >>>AND NOTHING ELSE<<< I think I will do alright. I thought this would devolve into a pissing contest as the players posting vacuous "COD kids" "crying intesifies" etc and images devoid of coherent thought they would drag us down and beat us with experience. Sometimes it sucks being right.
  14. oversoul

    A challenge to competitive clans

    Well when you're retired at 35, there's time for hobbies!