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About MDawgTV

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  1. MDawgTV

    Concrete Constructions - Part 2

    Will the construction always look unfinished? I'm a stickler for looks and I'm not a big fan of all this rebar sticking out. But the items are cool as hell. I would still like to see construction clip like Epoch though. Everything can get really weird looking with gaps if you try to make custom designs since floors snap on top of walls instead of into the tops of them like epoch did.
  2. MDawgTV

    When Building Goes Boom

    We were just trying to admire our new hedgehog when I tried moving it it spazzed out and well.... things were lost.
  3. MDawgTV

    Insulation - new building material

    I think it would be possible to add an item or a recipe to create an item that would add an upgrade to the inside of a wall. For instance right now we have the fortification upgrade when you click UPGRADE on a wall. Maybe we add 2 upgrades the first one adds the insulation on the inside and the second the metal on the outside. Which forces anyone that wants to fortify with metal to also add the insulation. Or it may be possible to create 2 different menu options of upgrading one for Fortify and one for Insulate.
  4. MDawgTV

    When ArmA Physics FAIL

    For some context a buddy and I were fighting with this guy for about 20/30 minutes back and forth. When I got tired of dealing with him I went and picked up 2 satchels from terminal and 2 3GL MX's with 3 grenade rounds. I shot off all 9 grenades at a window he was next to and at one point was just standing at 2 of them blew up in his face and did no damage because of the bugged windows. I dropped one of the MX's for my buddy with 1 mag in case things went sour and then placed a charge. It apparently glitched him so you hear me place a second one. When we started to fall I set off the second....and well you can see what happens. We had a good laugh about it back at terminal 5 minutes later.
  5. MDawgTV

    Group system visual overhaul

    The hexagon isn't really that intrusive to gameplay. Those large blocks of bright color that can be seen through everything and block plenty of pixels in wasteland are just ridiculous. I believe even hex's should be gone, but I have played hundreds of hours of arma life where they are removed so i'm used to knowing who, what, when, and where while I play anyways and understand that can be hard for some. I could get behind GPS locators for players in your party if you and that person both have a GPS.
  6. MDawgTV

    Group system visual overhaul

    Please never icon groups. That's the worst thing in wasteland. Or give us the ability to turn them on and off.
  7. I'm sure if you want to add tabs to players kills you could just use the code already in place for tabs when killing AI.
  8. MDawgTV

    "Financial member" recognition in game

    You're forgetting this is the Exile mod development forum. If you want something server specific you need to go to your servers website for that. At best the Exile dev mod team could add some type of donator status to your profile here.
  9. MDawgTV

    Shift Click Or Dump All?

    A dump all would be so much better!