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  1. Continuum

    Tanoa: Decayed Edition

    Yep, a problem we anticipated from day one. On our end of developing it, all the additional assets are not simulation enabled and are converted to simple objects for minimal server and client impact. With the release of the 64 bit executable, (which I've trialed in Dev branch) , we will see a massive increase in performance and sustained framerate.
  2. Continuum

    Tanoa: Decayed Edition

    Hi all, new to the forums but been playing Exile for a little while Myself and a small dev team (3 of us in total) are proud to announce our latest product - Tanoa: Decayed Edition. As it stands at the moment, we have completed major overhauls of major towns and cities to have a similar feel to that of a true dilapidated wasteland. One of the highlights of the map however, is the Hashima Island developed by our level designer Smiffy. We plan on integrating our complete map overhaul to a custom Exile community in the coming weeks, with this island containing PVP gameplay, AI missions and rare vehicle/weapon spawns. In anticipation to this, I have produced a short dramatic teaser to show off some of our work. If this interests you, I invite you all to follow the progress on our Facebook page, with many screenshots and development updates coming soon! Cheers!