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Everything posted by RevoLand

  1. Here is an updated script for playerNames which adds distance to names if preferred. Group only: Show to all players: Script for all players is not tested yet, if anyone test and report me the status i will be very happy. Every improvements are welcome. Free to edit & distribute as you want.
  2. Open your config.cpp, add the code i have given below to class CfgExileCustomCode: ExileClient_object_player_event_onHandleDamage = "client\ExileClient_object_player_event_onHandleDamage.sqf";It should look like this:ı-WC752I6j22.png?dl=0 And content of ExileClient_object_player_event_onHandleDamage.sqf: /** * Exile Mod * * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ private["_unit","_selectionName","_amountOfDamage","_sourceOfDamage","_typeOfProjectile"]; _unit = _this select 0; _selectionName = _this select 1; _amountOfDamage = _this select 2; _sourceOfDamage = _this select 3; _typeOfProjectile = _this select 4; if ((leader (group _unit) == leader (group _sourceOfDamage)) && (_unit != _sourceOfDamage)) then { _amountOfDamage = 0; _amountOfDamage; };Here you go, no more FF to your teammates
  3. Sure, i will see what i can do.
  4. Use this: /** * Exile Mod * * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ private["_unit","_selectionName","_amountOfDamage","_sourceOfDamage","_typeOfProjectile"]; _unit = _this select 0; _selectionName = _this select 1; _amountOfDamage = _this select 2; _sourceOfDamage = _this select 3; _typeOfProjectile = _this select 4; _isDeliriumActive = true; _neededDamageToActivateDelirium = 0.98; deliriumMinutes = 1; minimumDamageToRestoreFromDeliriumStatus = 0.85; restoreFullHealthAfterDelirium = true; deliriumCameraShakeStrength = 8; deliriumCameraShakeFrequency = 50; if (_isDeliriumActive) then { if ((damage _unit) + _amountOfDamage > _neededDamageToActivateDelirium && !(player getVariable ["deliriumActive", false])) then { player setVariable ["deliriumActive", true]; player allowDamage false; player setDamage _neededDamageToActivateDelirium; _amountOfDamage = 0; systemChat format ["You are DELIRIUM now for %1 minutes!", deliriumMinutes]; enableCamShake true; _amountOfDamage; _this spawn { _endTime = time + (deliriumMinutes * 60); while{minimumDamageToRestoreFromDeliriumStatus <= damage player && time <= _endTime} do { addCamShake [deliriumCameraShakeStrength, deliriumMinutes * 60, deliriumCameraShakeFrequency]; uiSleep 1; if (time >= (_endTime - 2)) then {player setDamage 1;}; }; systemChat "You are no longer DELIRIUM"; player allowDamage true; enableCamShake false; resetCamShake; if (restoreFullHealthAfterDelirium) then {player setDamage 0;}; player setVariable ["deliriumActive", false]; }; }; };So, if there is less time than 2 seconds to end delirium and user still didn't recover from delirium status player will get killed.
  5. Well yeah, you never mentioned about how to/when to kill player so we can't die, hahaha. Okay, if i didn't understand wrong you can just change this line like this: if (restoreFullHealthAfterDelirium) then {player setDamage 0;} else {player setDamage 1;};So if you set restoreFullHealthAfterDelirium to false, it will kill the player when you out of delirium.
  6. Okay so i was able to create Delirium script you wanted, but i don't want money unless you really insist. Here you go; Open your config.cpp, add the code i have given below to class CfgExileCustomCode: ExileClient_object_player_event_onHandleDamage = "client\ExileClient_object_player_event_onHandleDamage.sqf";It should look like this:ı-WC752I6j22.png?dl=0 And content of ExileClient_object_player_event_onHandleDamage.sqf: /** * Exile Mod * * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ private["_unit","_selectionName","_amountOfDamage","_sourceOfDamage","_typeOfProjectile"]; _unit = _this select 0; _selectionName = _this select 1; _amountOfDamage = _this select 2; _sourceOfDamage = _this select 3; _typeOfProjectile = _this select 4; _isDeliriumActive = true; _neededDamageToActivateDelirium = 0.98; deliriumMinutes = 1; minimumDamageToRestoreFromDeliriumStatus = 0.85; restoreFullHealthAfterDelirium = true; deliriumCameraShakeStrength = 8; deliriumCameraShakeFrequency = 50; if (_isDeliriumActive) then { if ((damage _unit) + _amountOfDamage > _neededDamageToActivateDelirium && !(player getVariable ["deliriumActive", false])) then { player setVariable ["deliriumActive", true]; player allowDamage false; player setDamage _neededDamageToActivateDelirium; _amountOfDamage = 0; systemChat format ["You are DELIRIUM now for %1 minutes!", deliriumMinutes]; enableCamShake true; _amountOfDamage; _this spawn { _endTime = time + (deliriumMinutes * 60); while{minimumDamageToRestoreFromDeliriumStatus <= damage player && time <= _endTime} do { addCamShake [deliriumCameraShakeStrength, deliriumMinutes * 60, deliriumCameraShakeFrequency]; uiSleep 1; }; systemChat "You are no longer DELIRIUM"; player allowDamage true; enableCamShake false; resetCamShake; if (restoreFullHealthAfterDelirium) then {player setDamage 0;}; player setVariable ["deliriumActive", false]; }; }; };You are free to edit and distribute as you want, also all feedback is welcome.
  7. RevoLand

    CUP Weapons Adding to Traders

    Do you have @cupweapons active and working at both of client & server?
  8. RevoLand

    Request: Floating player names/icons

    Sure, i don't think posting it publicly is forbidden so here you go:
  9. RevoLand

    Request: Floating player names/icons

    Hey again, can you give a test to this script to see if it works? playerNames.sqf nameDistance = _this select 0; showDistance = _this select 1; while {true} do { _currentPlayerCount = count allPlayers; waitUntil { _currentPlayerCount > 1; }; ShowPlayerNames = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { _players = allPlayers; { if (!(isNull _x) && (isPlayer _x) && (_x != player)) then { _distance = cameraOn distance _x; _alpha = (1-(_distance/nameDistance)); _clr = [1, 1, 1, _alpha]; _crew = crew (vehicle _x); _name = ''; { if (_x != player) then { _name = format ['%3%1%2', ['', format ['%1, ', _name]] select (_name != ''), name _x, ['', format ['[%1] ', round(player distance _x)]] select (showDistance)]; }; } forEach _crew; _veh = vehicle _x; _bbr = boundingBoxReal _veh; _p1 = _bbr select 0; _p2 = _bbr select 1; _maxHeight = (abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2))) * 1.25; _pos = visiblePosition _veh; _pos set[2,(_pos select 2) + _maxHeight]; drawIcon3D['', _clr, _pos, 0, 0, 0, _name, 1, 0.03]; // texture (null), color (_clr), position (_pos), width (0), height (0), angle (0), text (_name), shadow (1), textSize (0.03), font, textAlign, drawSideArrows }; } forEach _players; }]; _currentPlayerCount = count allPlayers; waitUntil { _currentPlayerCount != count allPlayers; }; removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", ShowPlayerNames]; sleep 1; };
  10. RevoLand

    Request: Floating player names/icons

    Sure, i will take a look asap.
  11. RevoLand

    Request: Floating player names/icons

    Here is an updated script for playerNames which adds distance to names if preferred. initPlayerLocal.sqf: [15000 // maximum distance to show name ,true // show distance to player? (false = dont show) ] execVM "addons\scripts\playerNames.sqf";playerNames.sqf: nameDistance = _this select 0; showDistance = _this select 1; while {true} do { waitUntil { count units (group player) > 1; }; ShowGroupMemberNames = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { _members = units (group player); { if (!(isNull _x) && (isPlayer _x) && (_x != player)) then { _distance = cameraOn distance _x; _alpha = (1-(_distance/nameDistance)); _clr = [1, 1, 1, _alpha]; _crew = crew (vehicle _x); _name = ''; { if (_x != player) then { _name = format ['%3%1%2', ['', format ['%1, ', _name]] select (_name != ''), name _x, ['', format ['[%1] ', round(player distance _x)]] select (showDistance)]; }; } forEach _crew; _veh = vehicle _x; _bbr = boundingBoxReal _veh; _p1 = _bbr select 0; _p2 = _bbr select 1; _maxHeight = (abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2))) * 1.25; _pos = visiblePosition _veh; _pos set[2,(_pos select 2) + _maxHeight]; drawIcon3D['', _clr, _pos, 0, 0, 0, _name, 1, 0.03]; // texture (null), color (_clr), position (_pos), width (0), height (0), angle (0), text (_name), shadow (1), textSize (0.03), font, textAlign, drawSideArrows }; } forEach _members; }]; _memberCount = count units (group player); waitUntil { count (units (group player)) != _memberCount; }; removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",ShowGroupMemberNames]; sleep 1; };
  12. RevoLand

    Simple Player Marker System

    Wow, that rage, for "just a marker". Edit: Well ofc you have right to get angry about stolen content but as you know Bohemia keeps the mpmission system so almost everything is visible to whoever connects to your server unless it is a server addon. So all you can do is be friendly, share and do not rage to whoever stole your content, instead be happy because you wrote this lines; even they don't know.
  13. RevoLand

    Request: Floating player names/icons

    Try this one; add to top of your initPlayerLocal.sqf [12000] execVM "addons\scripts\playerNames.sqf";12000 = distance to see player names in group playerNames.sqf nameDistance = _this select 0; while {true} do { waitUntil { count units (group player) > 1; }; ShowGroupMemberNames = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { _members = units (group player); { if (!(isNull _x) && (isPlayer _x) && (_x != player)) then { _distance = cameraOn distance _x; _alpha = (1-(_distance/nameDistance)); _clr = [1,1,1,_alpha]; _crew = crew (vehicle _x); _name = ''; { if(_forEachIndex == 0) then { _name = _name + format['%1',name _x]; } else { if(alive _x) then {_name = _name + format[', %1',name _x];}; }; } forEach _crew; _veh = vehicle _x; _bbr = boundingBoxReal _veh; _p1 = _bbr select 0; _p2 = _bbr select 1; _maxHeight = (abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2))) * 1.25; _pos = visiblePosition _veh; _pos set[2,(_pos select 2) + _maxHeight]; drawIcon3D['',_clr,_pos,0,0,0,_name,1,0.04]; }; } foreach _members; }]; _memberCount = count units (group player); waitUntil { count (units (group player)) != _memberCount; }; removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",ShowGroupMemberNames]; sleep 1; };Let me know about result/performance.
  14. Hello, i just made an improved version of this thing. If anyone would interest here you go: Put this to top of initPlayerLocal.sqf and edit as you like (current positions are default exile safe zones, altis, 0.9.35) [[ [14600, 16797.2, 22.35] ,[2998.06, 18175.5, 3.7756] ,[23334.6, 24188.9, 4.00956] ] // safe zone positions [x,y,z] ,150 // distance (range) ,5 // sleep thread for ] execVM "addons\scripts\safeZones.sqf";safeZones.sqf private ["_safeZones", "_distance", "_sleep"]; _safeZones = _this select 0; _distance = _this select 1; _sleep = _this select 2; while {true} do { { _distanceToSafe = player distance2D _x; if (_distanceToSafe <= _distance) then { systemChat "Entered to safe zone"; [] call ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezone; waitUntil { player distance2D _x > _distance; }; [] call ExileClient_object_player_event_onLeaveSafezone; systemChat "Leaved from safe zone"; }; } forEach _safeZones; sleep _sleep; };also if you add "sleep 30;" before onLeaveSafeZone event, it should be like the upcoming version 0.9.36 SS: Btw, i am still very newbie at SQF coding so please forgive me if there is anything wrong with the codes. I've tested codes myself and they do work fine for me.
  15. RevoLand

    Taviana Map Loot Problem

    Please use spoilers, problem should be at here:
  16. RevoLand

    Zombies Spawning Increase?

    Open init.sqf of ExileZ script and increase this values; Here you go, you have more zombies now but be aware, this might cause massive fps lose for some players.