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Everything posted by sandstorm

  1. sandstorm

    kicked when rocketed

    is it just me or do others get kicked when you drive close to a mission and the guy with the rocket shoots you? pretty annoying to get kicked repeatedly.
  2. sandstorm

    kicked when rocketed

    I am just asking if others have this issue. I assume it is a problem with the BE filters(santa's post) not allowing the launcher, when picked up and fired by a player it gives the same kick. would it be as simple as just removing the launchers, or just a BE setting?
  3. sandstorm

    kicked when rocketed

    I am a admin for my community, and don't have access to them.
  4. sandstorm

    kicked when rocketed

  5. sandstorm

    Hardware Purchase Doesn't Stop When Inventory Full

    maybe pay attention?
  6. sandstorm


    should not need to do this. as a admin it is easy for me to find my vehicle, annoying when i have to tp around the map for players. also players get pissed when their vehicle keeps warping across the map. there needs to be a auto save to db when a player interacts with the vehicle or at-least a scroll option to save to db.
  7. sandstorm

    Does upgrading your flag remove respect?

    funny cause i upgraded my area and lost the respect.
  8. sandstorm


  9. sandstorm


    very annoying bug. had a vehicle full of loot and had to run 3k to find it, only to find the vehicle empty of all contents. very game breaking.
  10. sandstorm

    Database does NOT update in last hour

    are your servers on 4 hour restarts? if so you need to make them 3 hours. the servers i admin had the same issue and 3 hour restarts helped it.
  11. sandstorm

    Car lock problem

    when you scroll lock/unlock hit the space bar instead of enter.
  12. sandstorm

    Construction not working

    is the item green when trying to place?
  13. sandstorm

    Does upgrading your flag remove respect?

    yes. respect is currency for upgrades
  14. sandstorm

    Waiting for server to load

    I am not my server database guy, but our missions seem to work fine, only issue i get is logging in before 5 minutes of server up time creates a loss of all gear. also have your server set to a max of 3 hours, set to 4 it seems to glitch world spawned vehicles.
  15. sandstorm


    everyone thinks that arma 2 is dayz......and that everything in frankies vids' are the bomb.
  16. sandstorm

    Black listed Building Areas

    very, our server allows building pretty much anywhere except near traders and military loot spwans.
  17. sandstorm

    No revive

    possible 2 minute timer to revive, if not you are dead.
  18. sandstorm

    Revert to old Arma weapon sway system

    agree, silly to have the amount of sway it does now. anyone install this yet?
  19. sandstorm

    "need more inventory space!"

    why is it better having the work bench on the top floor?
  20. sandstorm


    I love the she wont let me buy it and the I wear the pants claim...she lets you "think" you wear them...don't worry, she is making your skirt as we speak, 2 days after you are married you will be wearing it.
  21. sandstorm

    [SOLVED] Can't Unlock Vehicles

    I figured it out for me, instead of using enter use your space bar, arma already has it set up for that so no changes should need to be made.
  22. sandstorm

    [SOLVED] Can't Unlock Vehicles

    how did you do this? game settings? or?