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Everything posted by Bruiser

  1. Bruiser

    Is it possible to open Hangar doors on server start?

    does anyone know how to fix this?
  2. Bruiser

    How to Hive ACCOUNT and CLAN

    Very cool, I'm going to try it
  3. Bruiser

    How to Hive ACCOUNT and CLAN

    @DoDGaming did you ever get this working in extdb3 format?
  4. How do I remove some old servers out of my list in the server console? Thanks, Bruiser
  5. Bruiser

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    @infiSTAR Hey Chris, How would I disable this on the newest version? I currently changed this.. to false. /* server side check for the famous "wastedump dupe" as well as client side cooldown the timer can not be lower than 120 seconds. if it was lower the check would not be working. */ fix_wastedump_dupe = "false"; that seemed to fix it.. but I would like to still run fix_wastedump_dupe = "true"; if possible.. Let me know, Thank you
  6. Bruiser

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    @Ultima-weapon is that something I add to infistar config ? I don't have that LVC= in my config line..
  7. Bruiser

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    @Ultima-weapon Thank you so much.. that seems to work. Now infistar seems to be blocking it. message pops up. Trader Get in as driver first. Is there a setting I need to disable or allow in infistar?
  8. Bruiser

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    I would like to try this. but I have 2 overwrites already in use for these files. one for anti theft and one for 64 bit. Could you help me merge this one? the wastedumprequest I didn't have any trouble. My Current ExileClient_gui_wasteDumpDialog_show.sqf
  9. Bruiser

    How to Hive ACCOUNT and CLAN

    Can you combine databases? I have 3 servers I would like to change to Hived.
  10. post your config again that you edited with VIP or without VIP
  11. hey does anyone know what I need to put in to VG settings so it will save the Custom_Sneak skin you purchase? Thanks,
  12. Bruiser

    Mobile XM8 App

    Has anyone been able to get this app to work with 64bit servers?
  13. hmm. hopefully someone else can shed some light on it.. I don't know what else to check.
  14. i was looking through your pbo file.. and you have alot of issues.. you have stuff that is not setup correctly. I would download someones pbo and look at them, to compare what you have.. your more than welcome to connect to one of my servers. this is just an example. your are running exadclient , I run it and GADD runs it. this is your description.ext file This is GADD's description.ext file This is my description.ext file do you see what I'm getting at.. you have stuff that most likely is not setup correctly.. Or maybe your running older mods that don't use that function anymore.. I could be wrong and you have it correctly setup.. this is just another way to set it up? are your hacking and xm8 and VG all working ok?
  15. that message is from the sneak_server.pbo letting you know that a vehicleid from the database is invalid. at least that is how I understand it. so check your config. have you changed it since the last time you posted it ?
  16. This is how I do it. I click the + sign to add someone new. and type VIP to the right of their name.
  18. hmm ok.. I just type VIP and nothing else.
  19. when you type vip into database are you typing with "VIP" or just VIP ?
  20. very good glad I could help.
  21.!An954d6ht3pbgfgBxcrGBecl-WXyUA use mine and see what happens. put that in your addons folder
  22. Please use the spoiler eye when you post large data it keeps from people having to scroll all the way down. as for you sneak_server its still messed up.. I'll post mine and send you a link to download and use it to see if you get it working.
  23. i Couldnt see your exile.ini file or your sneak_server.pbo. if you could post the config in that. and your ini I could try to help on that one as well. are you still getting that error you showed me yesterday in your rpt? if you are post your entire rpt for me please. What you described should be all from the sneak_server.pbo.. from what I can tell....