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  1. Frag-O-Byte

    ISO Containers - base storage

    12 x metal sheets 6 x metal pole makes an iso container that you can add a lock to if you buy it, also have a storage capacity for 20k. this will act as a base store and an ideal place for a raid to focus on.
  2. Frag-O-Byte

    Realistic Loot

    Thanks for the reply's guys, I'm aware its still in development, It's just a little thing that I have picked out, so far I cannot see much wrong with It. Keep up the good work dev's Also reference the Auto updater - That would be good! As for downloading, if everyone was to use a .torrent file, we can all download faster and seed more.. increasing the download speed ect.. as for file size, just look at any new game they are 90% of the time over 10gb and most of us buy it from a On line store and get a digital download.
  3. Frag-O-Byte

    Realistic Loot

    Sorry not wanting to complain about this mod as it is Great! It's just every house I go into there is unrealistic loot, Rural properties should have stuff like hunting rifles / shot guns and on the rare occasion a hunting bag and vest with some scopes. Old Mavis wont be looking after a MX rifle so I don't expect to find it in her house, for Military hardware I'd go to a gun shop, police station or Military base (or traders) Maybe around farms and Industrial areas you get Iron ect.. Just a idea. Thanks for a great mod, Keep up the good work. Frag-O-Byte