Droopy Piles

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  1. Droopy Piles

    BGD Beardageddon Namalsk PVP

    BGD EXILE Beardageddon AI Loot Mission No Tears PVP Namalsk PvP UK Server Active Fair Admins DMS Missions (Single high reward mission will spawn at a time to encourage PvP) Vanilla Mods Just Exile and Namalsk Very High Performance Server Dedicated for this one Server XM8 Apps that are used mainly for rules and a Changelog to keep players informed Infistar 10k Start 5 hour Restarts No Weapons Uniforms etc sold at trader to encourage a black market between players Aligned with Beardageddon Twitch channel Now with ZCP capture points So if joining makesure its Only the latest Exile and Namalsk running and all should be well
  2. Droopy Piles

    [SOLVED] SOLVED New Loot table for compiler

    Theres magazines etc too, pretty sure its a good few new items. New compiler now on the downloads page!
  3. is there a New Loot table for the compiler, including things like the magazines gas masks etc Thx
  4. Droopy Piles

    Ok script not working :D

    ok the 2 codes are this goes into the helipad init // rickB´s contamination Zone script - playable units not wearing proper Gasmasks (M50 and M40´s - from HiddenIdentity Pack II) receive damage every 10 seconds // put this in invisible helipad (found in editor under signs) to be center of desired contamiationzone: null = [this, 100, 80, 10] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf" // playableunits being inside the contamiation zone (this) (inside radius 100m and under height 80m) will receive damage every 10 seconds ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isserver OR isdedicated) then { _contaminationcenter = _this select 0; _conrad = _this select 1; _height = _this select 2; _time = _this select 3; //wait until unit inside contaminated zone waituntil {({(_contaminationcenter distance _x) < _conrad AND getposATL _x select 2 < _height } count switchableUnits) > 0 OR ({(_contaminationcenter distance _x) < _conrad AND getposATL _x select 2 < _height} count playableUnits) > 0}; _allplayers = switchableunits + playableunits; {_allplayers = switchableunits + playableunits; if (_x distance _contaminationcenter < _conrad AND headgear _x != "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O" AND headgear _x != "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O" AND headgear _x != "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O" AND getposATL _x select 2 < 80) then {hint format ["_%1, you should wear a gasmask here!",_x]; _x setdammage ((getdammage _x)+0.2)} } foreach _allplayers; sleep _time; null = [_contaminationcenter,_conrad, _height, _time] execVM "rick_survival\rick_contamination.sqf"; }; this goes into the player init // rickB´s Breathing for HiddenIdentity Gasmasks M40 & M50 // put this in units init to make breathing sound while wearing one of the listed Gasmasks -> null = [this] execVM "rick_survival\rick_mask_breathe.sqf"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _player = _this select 0; if (isdedicated) exitwith {}; waituntil {headgear _player == "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O" OR headgear _player == "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O" OR headgear _player == "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O"}; while {alive _player AND (headgear _player == "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O" OR headgear _player == "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O" OR headgear _player == "H_CrewHelmetHeli_O")} do { playsound3d ["A3\sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\other\diver-breath-2.wss", _player,false,getposASL _player, 0.8,1,15]; sleep 5; }; null = [_player] execVM "rick_survival\rick_mask_breathe.sqf"; And here is the rpt http://pastebin.com/AbcFmrMj Thx
  5. Droopy Piles

    Ok script not working :D

    So I loaded up my current server state of exile in the editor, I placed markers, and invisible heli pads, and in the inits of the heli pad was a line to the sqf that would set damage to you in the given area. So in summary, markers, heli pad and a init within the heli pad, all worked in the editor. Doesn't work in the server no markers and no damage. How can I easily fix this I also run infistar Thx in Advance
  6. Droopy Piles

    Where to "Player Init"

    Where would I put a line from a script that specifies putting it in the "Player Init" where would I put that on the server which file and is there any format change so it loads everytime player joins server etc So the player init as stand would look like this null = [this] execVM "script_folder\myscript.sqf"; Thx in advanced
  7. Droopy Piles

    Enigma Exile Revive - v0.80 [UPDATED 08/09/16] 1.02 Compatible

    I to have this issue I also have CUP Uniforms, and with CUP uniforms you cannot pick them up normally you have to use TAKE ALL is this same for you, but whichever way I to have the problem of all going to bambi clothes after revive, the vests and backpacks remain, its just the uniforms. Any Ideas?
  8. Droopy Piles

    Escape menu closes after 5 seconds, and Infistar issue

    I Can confirm that fixed all my issues thx
  9. Droopy Piles

    Escape menu closes after 5 seconds, and Infistar issue

    No I got v32 I will install that now I let you know if it fixes it, although th fix log doesn't mention my issues
  10. Ok so to start everything on the server was working find, until the 1.56 update The 2 instant problems I have are, when you press escape to leave the game, you obviously need to wait 10 seconds, that menu closes after 4-5 seconds, with no way to keep it open to exit the game The other issue is InfiSTAR now doesn't show its loading on the bottom left, pressing f1 does nothing, rpt has this error spammed Scripting function 'fnc_adminreq' is not allowed to be remotely executed Thx in advance
  11. Droopy Piles

    CUP Units items cannot be dragged into clothing slots

    I too have this issue, I have to advise people to "Take All" as a work around
  12. Where can i adjust the fuel amount in fuel jerry cans, from the default 20 to whatever I wish? thx in advanced
  13. Droopy Piles

    Streamline my startup

    Is there a better order for my startup. start /HIGH arma3server.exe -mod=@exile; -servermod=@exileserver;@infiSTAR_Exile;@A3XAI; -port=2302 -config=@ExileServer\config.cfg -cfg=@ExileServer\basic.cfg -profiles=SC -name=Exile -malloc=system -autoinit In exile the salt flats mission the big dome hasn't loaded since installed infiSTAR and changed the start up, so I just wondering is there a better order for above,. Thx in advanced
  14. Droopy Piles

    Help with RCON

    tbh I don't even know, I mean it does kick people, I guess that's right enough yea? its a pure connection issue I think, but I assume BE not auto updating either