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  1. Kinloch

    TRYK head wear

    I have the same issue anyone know of a fix?
  2. Kinloch

    TRYK Uniform/Vest Disappear Bug

    I'm having same issue. Anyone got any ideas?
  3. Kinloch

    Random crashing

    I have had a few servers where this happens to players. i have a hunch it starts to happen when your server FPS is routinely low but it can happen for other reasons like the client PC over heating etc so
  4. Kinloch


    Interesting, i will have to investigate. I guess its DMS's way of getting around not dynamically spawning AI. they just sit there frozen til you approach their vicinity.
  5. Kinloch


    @second_coming I know about client off loading and am using that but what is freezing?
  6. Kinloch


    This pretty much confirms my suspicions and makes me wonder how GSP's keep customers. We are a fairly small bunch so the costs of a dedicated server are probably a bit of a stretch but we will look into building our own server and see how that goes.
  7. Kinloch


    Hi all, I am somewhat new to running an Exile server and have an interesting problem. I am renting a 30 slot server from GTX Gaming and have only added Infistar, DMS and DMS occupation and we are getting massive server FPS spikes and after about an hour of gaming we are down to about one FPS on the server. I have DMS set to 4 missions and occupation set to only spawn in 50 AI, with missions we can get to around 75 AI total. There are no bases and i have limited the spawned in vehicles quite drastically. This server FPS is with 2-3 players playing and DMS is offloading AI to the clients. If i run just vanilla Exile we get a constant 50 server FPS but as soon as i add an AI mod it behaves as described above, i have also tried various combinations of VEMFR, A3XAI and Sarges AI but all with the same results and strangely the servers CPU usage never goes over 25% and the memory usage never over about 10%. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated as i am tearing my hair out trying to make it work. I am happy to post up RPT files or config files whatever might be meaningful to make it work.
  8. Kinloch

    The memory could not be "read"

    Anyone got any ideas? ive tried all sorts to resolve this and no luck. The error occurs for everyone on our server
  9. Kinloch

    Igiload issue

    Hi, i had this error and found that if you user igiload exile it works a treat as it already has all of the exile vehicles etc defined :
  10. Kinloch

    DB problem

    I am having the same error has anyone found a fix for this?
  11. Kinloch


    Hi @jungleNZ, What do you mean by update the folder of 'extdb/sql_custom_v2 ' update it to what sorry i dont understand?
  12. Hi, I have recently set up an Exile Server on GTX gaming and all my users including myself are getting intermittent access violation errors. Its driving me mad. ive tried resetting the server playing with and with out addons etc and nothing seems to work. GTX even gave me a new server to test on and still the same errors. There is nothing in the server logs . I have included a copy of the crash report below. The addons im running are: DMS, DMS Occupation, VEMFR, lgiload, SA Advanced Towing, and infiSTAR
  13. Kinloch

    Server crashing, access violation (again) newest update

    Hi Paul, Im having the same problem with my servers. Players are getting an access violation error on their client. Have tried everything to fix.
  14. Kinloch

    The memory could not be "read"

    Is this working for you now as I seem to be having a very similar error on the server i run.