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Everything posted by Excaliber_47

  1. Excaliber_47

    (It's happening!) Exile Escape

    Excited at the possible return of this!
  2. Excaliber_47

    DMS Mission addon Contents page

    Any one else running these missions have any issues or reports of the static buildings included now being un-enterable? Which with some missions, a player can not properly clear the missions due to npc's being inside some buildings. {EDIT} Testing a fix in progress
  3. Excaliber_47

    Graphical Firearms Glitch

    Goes way back to Exile 0.9.8 from Oct/Nov of 2016 (I think)
  4. Excaliber_47

    Anti-PVP script

    Awesome! You are still tha man! @infiSTAR
  5. Excaliber_47

    possible incoming Arma3 1.68 update

    Double post: Please delete, damn mobile!
  6. Excaliber_47

    possible incoming Arma3 1.68 update

    Wow, your glass is half empty my friend! Then again, Bohemia's track record isn't great. Fingers crossed, tho! On another note, Bohemia is working on upcoming DLC, get them wallets out and be sure your "tush" is lubed up thoroughly!
  7. Excaliber_47

    Anti-PVP script

    It just prevents the damage.
  8. Does anyone have any ideas or could help with this??
  9. Excaliber_47

    Exile continues!

    Does this mean the return of Exile Mod's live twitch streams on "behind the scenes" editing?
  10. Excaliber_47

    Finding servers *poll*

    I normally sure Arma 3 Launcher to search, really easy to search for specifics "IF" I dont find what im looking for on Arma 3 Launcher then I just search with A3Launcher. Exile Server section is a last resort for me. Sorry guys. (I like the setup/idea behind the server section on here but even using the "Sort by" option it is still difficult to find specifically what you are looking for.)
  11. Excaliber_47

    FIGHT !!!

    It would be nice to see at least the Axe be used as a melee weapon, not a one hit kill deal unless it is directly to the dome. Maybe even the shovel as a melee weapon or at least knock them unconscious for x amount of time.
  12. I would like to bump this. This would be great to have!
  13. Excaliber_47

    Killin Zedz Chernarus Reborn

    A very unique PVE server from your standard PVE Exile Servers! Definitely not your spawn in, get rich, buy a tank bull that MOST servers out there has. If your looking for a server that you can actually put some time into and progress, this is it. If challenge is what your seeking, look no further.
  14. Excaliber_47

    Infistar affecting anti-pvp?

    YES! You are the man, @infiSTAR !!!!
  15. Excaliber_47

    Using sledge hammer for scrap kills you

    Here is a short clip showing what happens after the Arma 3 1.66 update. http://plays.tv/s/L7E-x08zTrJZ
  16. Excaliber_47

    Exile 0.9.8 New Weapons Issue

    I do not think so. Since, @Eichi has announced his stepping down from Exile Mod, I doubt it will be fixed.
  17. Excaliber_47

    Exile 0.9.8 New Weapons Issue

    Has anyone else had this issue with any of the new weapons in Exile 0.9.8, specifically the DMR?
  18. Excaliber_47


    Yes, I have had this and reported it way back. Still no fix, sadly.
  19. Excaliber_47

    Placement of flags/indestructible stuff

    Bumping this. I agree something should be implemented to interact with your flag pole, often, to prevent this. Otherwise Flag Stealing is useless.
  20. Excaliber_47

    [Updated] ExileReborn - A complete survival package

    I have noticed this as well. I think there is no way to be 100% safe from this intentionally. I have been testing different buildings and seems they all reduce health but different amounts. The lowest I have had is the fire stations with all bottom doors shut, I only lost 20 health. I have a fully enclosed 2x2 wood base and suffer half health loss, maybe a fully enclosed concrete base will help. Not sure yet.
  21. Excaliber_47

    Bring back the lobby

    I agree. Lobby is missed.
  22. Excaliber_47

    Exile 0.9.8 New Weapons Issue

    I never overwrote the file. I always keep a backup of the previous version in a separate folder, so when I download the new version its a complete fresh file but thank you for the suggestion. Other players on the server is having issues with most of the new weapons, so this seems to be becoming a common issue.
  23. Excaliber_47

    1.60 Bug Fixes/Discussion

    Anyone else had this with the new weapons in 0.9.8, especially the DMR? [EDIT] Posted in wrong forum, submitted post here:
  24. Excaliber_47

    Fix for Crash when downloading mission file.

    None of that worked for me either. Maybe if we Alt-Tab while launching arma3.exe in admistrator mode and add this (below) just before we Alt-Tab back to Arma 3, it will work. Maybe, just maybe.