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  1. Highlander

    Vehicles spawn in the air

    Hi people. I have just noticed some non persistent vehicles spawn hundreds of meters in the air and stay there. If anyone can shed some light on this issue would be much appreciated. Thanks Frank
  2. Highlander

    Armed Vehicles infinate ammo...

    Hi all. My thread was locked because I posted in the wrong section. If this is the wrong section for my query, would someone please be kind enough to direct me as to which section of the forum this related issue belongs so I can get help. Thanks in advance. Did a search but could not find anything related and also hope it's appropriate to post here. I'm running an exile server still in testing phase and have noticed the BRDM-2 (HQ) that can be purchased from the traders has infinite ammo. When in the gunners seat and firing the weapon... when it runs out of ammo it reloads another case of 100 rounds. Does not happen with any other armed vehicle purchased from the traders. Is this a bug? Has it happened to anyone else? Cheers Franky
  3. Highlander

    Recurring script restrictions

    Hi hogansheroes. I've added all the exceptions required and I can log in without anymore script restrictions with CBA_A3 installed. The reason I added CBA_A3 is because I am adding CUP content which I believe requires CBA_A3 to function. Correct me if I'm wrong. Cheers Frank
  4. Highlander

    Recurring script restrictions

    Hi all. I understand how to add battleye exceptions to some degree though since I uploaded CBA_A3 to the server and added the launch parameter (no other addons installed) I keep getting script restriction #21. Every time I add the exception, it works but throws me another script restriction #21 with a different line of code every time. I then add the appropriate exception only to get another #21 restriction. I have had 5 so far and just wondering if this should be happening. I understand it's related to CBA_A3. It gave me a script restriction #15 at one point... then added exception and now back to the #21 restrictions but with different line of code every time. It's also thrown a script restriction #33 which I have added an exception for. I added CBA_A3 because I believe it's a requirement to run CUP content on my server. I have not added CUP content on the server due to these restrictions I am getting atm. Trouble is... every time I add an exception, I get another script restriction of a different code. Would anyone please be kind enough to shed some light on this issue? Here is a copy of my scripts.log excluding IP and GUID #0 "on_waitUntilAndExecArray - [objNull]; }; }; addMissionEventHandler ["Loaded", { private _tickTime = diag_tickTime; { _x set" #21 "eEngine.sqf', 'cba_common_fnc_perFrameEngine'] call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; cba_common_fnc_onFrame = { private _tickTime = diag_t" #21 "_keyHandler.sqf', 'cba_events_fnc_keyHandler'] call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; ['\x\cba\addons\events\fnc_keyHandlerDown.sqf', 'cba_e" #21 "call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers '\x\cba\addons\common\XEH_postInit.sqf';" #21 "ttings\fnc_init.sqf', 'cba_settings_fnc_init'] call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; ['\x\cba\addons\settings\fnc_set.sqf', 'cba_settings_fn" #15 "Init.sqf" if (isNil {canSuspend}) then { ["CBA_PFH", "onEachFrame", { call cba_common_fnc_onFrame; cba_common_lastFrameRende" #21 "ged.sqf', 'cba_common_fnc_onTeamColorChanged'] call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; ['\x\cba\addons\common\fnc_synchTeamColors.sqf', 'cba_c" #33 "f (_team != "") then { _x assignTeam _team; }; true } count allUnits; }; }; ["CBA_setVehicleVarName", { params ["_oldVeh", "_n" Cheers Frank
  5. Highlander

    Script Restriction #21

    Hi all. I am at a loss with this. I can usually work out where to add the exceptions but this one has me baffled. Getting script restriction #21 and the scripts.log throws me: #21 "eEngine.sqf', 'cba_common_fnc_perFrameEngine'] call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; cba_common_fnc_onFrame = { private _tickTime = diag_t" So I then turn it into: !="eEngine.sqf', 'cba_common_fnc_perFrameEngine'] call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW;\n\n\ncba_common_fnc_onFrame = {\nprivate _tickTime = diag_t" But cannot work out where something of this nature would go. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Cheers Frank
  6. Highlander

    Script Restriction #32

    I have worked it out hogansheroes. In regards to script restriction #39 I put !="0'/> %22</t>","%",count playableUnits,_damage,_wallet, " in the wrong line. It belongs at the end of line 41 (7 units) Thanks so much for your help. It's been a long time since I have set up a server. Thanks a million!!! Cheers Franky
  7. Highlander

    Script Restriction #32

    Thanks for your help hogansheroes. That gives me some info as to where I may have gone wrong. I've added that to line 34 but i am now getting script restriction #39. Ive looked at the text log and it comes up with 22.09.2016 12:07:32: Highlander (myIP) myGUID - #39 "0'/> %22</t>", "%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, " I tried adding !="0'/> %22</t>","%",count playableUnits,_damage,_wallet, " to line 34 which looks like this now: 7 playableUnits !="='%10'/> %22</t>","%",count playableUnits,_damage,_wallet, " !="0'/> %22</t>","%",count playableUnits,_damage,_wallet, " but still getting script restriction #39 Any thoughts? Many thanks Franky
  8. Highlander

    Script Restriction #32

    Hi all. I recently opened an exile v1.0.1 server on altis and tested in default with no addons or scripts to make sure I was able to login and all was fantastic. I had an exile server last year and was quite familiar with adding battleye filters but i am at a loss with this one. I am having an issue with the status bar I installed from I have installed as per instructions and got kicked for script restriction #40.... so I looked at my scripts log below: (hence I have replaced the IP with 'myIP' and replaced GUID with 'myGUID' for security purposes) 21.09.2016 17:16:55: Highlander (myIP) myGUID - #40 "#line 1 "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\init.sqf" [] execVM "addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf";" Then added the appropriate battleye filter at the end of line 42 (7 exec) which is [] execVM "addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf"; Though now I am getting kicked for script restriction #32. I have looked at the script log below: 21.09.2016 18:50:45: Highlander (myIP) myGUID - #32 "='%10'/> %22</t>", "%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, " I have added !="='%10'/> %22\", \n\"%\", \ncount playableUnits, \n_damage, \n_wallet, "to line 33 allPlayers at the end of line 33 (7 allPlayers) but am still getting kicked for script restriction #32. I have tried adding it to line 34 ( 7 playableUnits) still getting script restriction #32. Now I am just guessing. Would anyone please be kind enough to help me sort this out? I have been trying for 2 days now and searching the forum for solutions to no avail. Appreciate anyone who can help. Cheers Franky
  9. Highlander

    Helicopter Patrols

    Thanks heaps ka0s. Very much appreciated! Had a quick look at it and will be adding A3XAI to the server and getting rid of sarge. Thanks again! Cheers frank
  10. Highlander

    Helicopter Patrols

    Hi peoples! I am currently running an exile/zombie server with sarge AI and everything seems to run as it should. I've been searching the forum but can't seem to find anything on heli patrols. Is there any way I can add enemy heli patrols to the server? I've added some heli's to the SAR_config down the bottom where it has the option of entering the classnames of what helis you want (providing the helis have 2 gunners) though there are no heli patrols in the server. If anyone is able to help me would be much appreciated. Cheers Frank
  11. Highlander

    Sarge AI

    Thanks a million Red! Much appreciated. Will head over to the sarge discussion in future for any questions. Take care! Cheers Frank
  12. Highlander

    Sarge AI

    Hey Red... I've had a look at SAR_config.sqf. I am generally familiar with most configs but I'm struggling with this one. Is this where I would make the changes? // default values for dynamic grid spawning // ----------------------------------------------- // maximum number of groups / grid SAR_max_grps_bandits = 0; SAR_max_grps_soldiers = 0; SAR_max_grps_survivors = 0; // chance for a group to spawn (1-100) SAR_chance_bandits = 0; SAR_chance_soldiers = 0; SAR_chance_survivors = 0; // maximum size of group (including Leader) SAR_max_grpsize_bandits = 0; SAR_max_grpsize_soldiers = 0; SAR_max_grpsize_survivors = 0; If this is where I would make the changes then im confused as it's all set to zero. Sorry to be a pain and sounding like I have no idea lol... but at the moment I have no idea lol... Where in the config would I make the changes? And thanks for your help! Cheers Frank
  13. Highlander

    Sarge AI

    Thanks I'll take a look
  14. Highlander

    Sarge AI

    Hi people. I have an exile/zombie server and have just installed sarge ai and all running well. Is there anyone here that can point me to where I can edit how many bandits/soldiers/survivors per group? Where can I reduce or increase the number of AI in general. Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers Frank
  15. Highlander

    Server time

    Thanks a million r0fus. Made the change and works! Thanks Frank