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About NemesisX00

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  1. NemesisX00

    Exile Configurator

    Right now there isn't a way to import it directly from the config file. The best workaround I have currently would be to copy the relevant bits out of the config and reformat them into your own JSON file, which you could then open with the application. Still a fair amount of work but it may be easier to handle bulk operations like that. On a positive note, I do want to eventually enable the application to work more directly with the config file(s). I need to sit down and work on a real roadmap for this so I have something more concrete to point to for these types of questions (and something to keep me on track ).
  2. NemesisX00

    Exile Configurator

    While going through the process of setting up a new private Exile server for my friends and I, I was reminded of just how much busywork is involved in setting up things like weapon packs and vehicle packs in the Exile vendors lists. So I decided to try making something to ease that process a little. I'm calling it Exile Configurator sounds cool. It's an open source (MIT License) application to hopefully make maintaining/trading/modifying item lists easier. At the moment, I'm considering it in a sort of early "alpha" status as there is a lot of standard desktop application functionality that isn't implemented yet. With regard to Exile configuration, right now it only generates and exports syntax for the vendor lists. But I was able to use it to speed up configuring my own server. It's only built for Windows for now. The intention is to look into making it cross-platform in the future. You can find the current release and links to the Bitbucket project/wiki/issues here: Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
  3. NemesisX00

    Limit Pop Tabs to 3,000 and add commodities

    One danger this poses is more of a meta-game issue. In long-lived servers, there will inevitably be groups of players who have effectively infinite wealth either by actually having too many pop tabs to spend or by having the bases/vehicles/equipment necessary to easily overrun most or all of the other players on the server. Making currency lootable would further increase the security of these established groups of players and decrease the ability of new players on a server from gaining a foothold at all. At the very least, this kind of mechanic would need to be configurable at the server admin level.