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In your config.cpp file replace this line of code class CfgExileCustomCode { };With this class CfgExileCustomCode { ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check = "ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf"; };It will be about halfway down in the file. This instruction was in my tutorial. I would verify that you have followed the step-by-step tutorial correctly.
If it's not actually affecting anything then put "-nologs" into your start-up params. SHould resolve your spam issue. PS: Nologs just removes the RPT log from being generated which is fine if your server isn't actively in development anyway.
Hello, firstly I'd like to say thank you for using my restart system :D. What seems to be happening, if I follow you right, is the server restarts fine, but doesn't shutdown and remains locked? Few possible issues that I can think of. First of all, you could have made a mistake installing your mission sided custom RCon thread file. Double check to ensure you did so correctly, then double check that your server config is set properly with the restart time and lock time. Once you've done please answer back. If the issue persists please include screenshots or your code.
Don't stress it. Same happens on our servers. Most of them are 5 year olds that don't know what a "mod" is and so they think they can just join whatever they want.
As @S said. However I don't utilize their messages anyway. I use infistar as well as a modified Status Bar to notify players of an immanent restart
Yes exactly. My goal was to streamline the process. I very much enjoyed BECs schedule system, however I felt like it was constantly needing attention which is great for some, but others just need to be able to rely on a 24/7 completely reliable restart method. I didn't mean to knock BEC at all it is definitely by far one of the best, but some people, like you said, just don't have the knowledge to run multiple batch files with BEC. So I figured something for the more low maintenance servers would be great to share!
Hello everybody I hope this is in the correct section and apologize in advance if it is not. So recently it seems that the server auto-restart standard (BEC) has been having issues and doesn't seem to be receiving further support. Although there are work arounds for this I felt that maybe everybody was ready for something that was a little easier and much more user friendly. I've been using this batch startup system for years now and never once have had an issue with it, so I figured I should share with the community! I had made this awhile ago when I was first starting out and have since added on to make it easier and more simplistic, because why should restarts be so darned difficult? Anyway, without further adue, lets begin! Step 1: For starters lets get this out of the way. You will need a dedicated box. Simple as that. It will need to be on Windows OS. That's all I ever used and all I plan on ever using. Whether or not it works on others I would not know. Step 2: Create a batch file in your main server directory (Where your "arma3server.exe" is located) and name it something along the lines of auto restart. So for example you will end up with "autorestart.bat". Now to create a batch file simply create a new text document, open it up, "Save as..", Select "All Files", then type in "autorestart.bat". Now you can exit the document and delete the "New Text Document". Step 3: Right click on your newly created "autorestart.bat" and select "Edit". You can either use the default text editor or notepad++, either one will work. Step 4: Paste the following information in your empty batch file you've just created: ::Made by Moore for use with BLAH BLAH Server @echo off color 0a title Moore's Auto-Restarter Example Altis Exile C:\Windows\System32\mode con cols=50 lines=3 >nul set /a var=0 :start echo Running Server start "" /wait /realtime /affinity F "arma3server.exe" -port=2302 "-config=Config\cfg\Config.cfg" "-profiles=Config\log" "-cfg=Config\cfg\basic.cfg" -name=Exile "-servermod=@ExileServer;" "-mod=@Exile;" -autoinit -enableHT -malloc=system set /a var+=1 cls echo Server has shutdown %var% times, restarting goto startStep 5: After pasting the information in you will need to change some things... Title (4th Line) - Simply change that to what you would like to name the cmd proccess that will be running. (Usually the server name)Directory/Mods, etc (9-10th Line) - Basically leave it as is, however edit as needed to point towards your proper config files, mods, and such.Step 6: Your Done! Simple as that. If you have set it up properly, you simply double click this batch file to start the server and it will do the rest for you. Basically it starts the server, and will continuously monitor it for when it shuts down. And when it shut's down it will restart it and keep a track of how many times it has restarted since the first start-up. Step 7 (Recommended): This file DOES NOT shutdown the server for you. The reason I have it like that is because Exile Devs have been nice enough to provide a nifty RCon system built in. However, there is a catch. This system needs to be modified and here's how we're going to do that. (If you use other means to shutdown the server then you can stop reading here, otherwise continue on!) Step 8: We need to custom compile the servers RCon thread check, so we can execute a shutdown sequence. Open your servers mission file and create a .sqf file. Name this .sqf file "ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check". So you will end up with "ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf". Place alongside your init.sqf. Step 9: Paste this code inside that file...and save it!: /** * Exile Mod * exile.majormittens.co.uk * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. */ private["_restartTime","_restartMessages","_useAutoKick","_kickTime","_lockTime","_uptime","_timeTilRestart","_time","_i"]; _restartTime = _this select 0; _restartMessages = _this select 1; _useAutoKick = _this select 2; _kickTime = _this select 3; _lockTime = _this select 4; _uptime = call ExileServer_util_time_uptime; _timeTilRestart = _restartTime - _uptime; if (typeName _restartMessages isEqualTo "ARRAY") then { if !(_restartMessages isEqualTo []) then { { _time = _x; if (_timeTilRestart < _time) then { if !(ExileSessions isEqualTo []) then { ["notificationRequest",["RestartWarning",[format["Server restart in %1 min!",_time]]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; }; ExileServerRestartMessages deleteAt _forEachIndex; format ["Restart Warrnings for %1min sent",_time] call ExileServer_util_log; }; } forEach _restartMessages; }; }; if (_timeTilRestart < _lockTime) then { if !(ExileServerIsLocked) then { "#lock" call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_sendCommand; "Server locked for restart" call ExileServer_util_log; ["notificationRequest",["LockKickWarning",["You will be kicked from the server due to restart."]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; ExileServerIsLocked = true; }; if (_timeTilRestart < _kickTime) then { if !(ExileServerRestartMode) then { call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_kickAllrestart; "Everyone kicked for restart" call ExileServer_util_log; call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_clearBuffers; "Buffers cleared!" call ExileServer_util_log; for "_i" from 0 to 9 do { "SERVER READY FOR RESTART!!" call ExileServer_util_log; }; ExileServerRestartMode = true; uiSleep 10; "#shutdown" call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_sendCommand; }; }; }; trueStep 10: (Almost Done!) We need to tell the server that we want to handle this script in the mission file instead of the exile_server. To do that locate your config.cpp inside your mission file. Open it up and located "CfgExileCustomCode". Now under that class we are simply going to add this: ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check = "ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf"; So you should end up with : class CfgExileCustomCode { ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check = "ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf"; };Step 11: Done! Save it, repack the mission.pbo, and be sure to configure your restarts how you like. I know I said that was going to be simple (and personally it still is), but for anybody with at least intermediate skills in server development, you should be able to understand it and make great use of it. I hope you all enjoy and remember to give credit where credit is do as always! Credits: Auto-Restart Batch - Created by Moore (But you all know that by now :D) RCon Thread Check - Do not know his name (Sorry!), but I had saw it posted by someone other than me. And after looking over my old batch file and this thread check I figured this was more efficient.
Moore started following Auto-Restart (Release)
Real Time Gaming Recruitment Hello there! We are currently looking to recruit new staff members to fill many staff slots such as: Community Recruiter - 5Community Monetizer -5Head of Community Management - 1Moderator - 2Admin - 3Head of Administration - 1Developer - ?Requirements: Speak/Read/Write Fluent EnglishBe at least 18 years of age. 14+ can be considered if we talk with you priorHave some experience as a staff member and be able to show itHave a weekly active game-time of about 15 hoursHow to Apply: Join our TS at: And speak with a staff member
Real Time Gaming Welcome Real Time Gaming is a community welcome to all races, sex's, and ages! We started out as a small group of 3 and developed into a much larger clan that is now more based around Exile and other Arma 3 games! We are always looking for new gamers and don't require much to be eligible for our group. Requirements and Rules: Be a mature player. We don't have a set age requirement, but if you act like a 5 year old then expect to be treated as such.Have some gaming experience in Arma 3 as well as how to install mods. We'll always be willing to help with mod installation, but having to explain simple mechanics of the game and it's folders can get old and we want players that know how to use their own PC.Be an active playerDon't whine. Just because you died doesn't mean we need to know about it for the next hour.Respect other members. We have all different types of varying ranks to keep equal responsibility amongst our members. We just ask that members are respected. Whether you be an owner or a newb, we want everyone treated alike.Language. We don't really care too much how you talk, but how you say it is what matters. Cursing is completely fine, but don't direct it at other gamers.And finally, most of all, have fun. This is a gaming clan. Don't walk around with a chip on your shoulder, we all just play to have fun and escape the real world for a bit.How to Join: To join simply hop on our Teamspeak at : Thank you and we hope to see you soon!