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  1. sorry, but which file do i have to edit
  2. Hi, I googled a bit but found nothing helpfull, so i try the forum. When infistar is active on my Server, Players that join and not listet as Admin are kicked for "no reason" (no Log is written no BE Variable kick). Sometimes there is a "admin message" that the player is beeing kicked for some kind of Scroll down menu restriction Server IP: (listet in the A3 Launcher atm. running without Infistar and everything is okay) The following Scripts are installed: Exile, Esseker, AllinArmaTerrainPack, Ryans Zombies, Playermarker, welcome music & message, Statusbar & Igiload. I am trying it now for about 1 week and had no success Please help.
  3. Phydra

    How to Exile Chernarus (or any other map)

    i am trying this for Panthera but had no luck yet. Would be awesome if someone does a tutorial on that.