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About disto1978

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  • Birthday 05/02/1978

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  1. disto1978

    InfiSTAR Admin build rights in enemy territory

    Sounds great Chris, many thanks!
  2. Hey, is it possible to give admins build rights in other territorys by InfiSTAR AH or InfiSTAR TM? In Arma2 i remember for an option in InfiSTAR to build in other territorys.
  3. disto1978

    1st person only for helicopters / air vehicles

    I tried this, but no effect. Is it possible infistar is blocking this?
  4. disto1978

    1st person only for helicopters / air vehicles

    Helpful? ...not really, sorry Yes I know google and I used it already. There are a lot of hits to this topic, but most of them are outdated or not recommend for performance reasons. I found a working solution by combine some of the scripts I found... if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; if ((difficultyOption "thirdPersonView")==1) then { if ((vehicle player) isEqualTo player) then { while {true} do { if (((vehicle player)isKindOf "LandVehicle") && (speed (vehicle player)) >= 10) then{ player switchCamera "Internal"; }; sleep 0.1; if (((vehicle player)isKindOf "Helicopter") && (getPosVisual (vehicle player) select 2) > 10) then{ player switchCamera "Internal"; }; sleep 0.1; if (((vehicle player)isKindOf "Plane") && (speed (vehicle player)) >= 60) then{ player switchCamera "Internal"; }; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; }; Working fine so far. It would be nice if the player get a warning if he enter a helicopter that 1st person is forced in flight, someone can help me to add a code for the warning message?
  5. Hello guys, I´m looking for an solution to force 1st person view in helicopters / air vehicles only. I just found some scripts to restrict 3rd person in combat, but how to restrict it only in helicopters / air vehicles? Can someone help me out pls?
  6. Sounds great, thx! If it helps the old FuMS mod had an option to spawn the raptors.
  7. @kuplion Is it thinkable to add JurassicArma optional to this mod? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27163 The functionality seems to be similar to Zombies&Daemons
  8. disto1978

    Exile PHP Admin Tools/Portal

    Hey guys, is this tool still working? I tried to set up but i just get empty pages. All steps from the readme done, both files edited but if i try to open the index.php or any other link I just get an empty page. Tested on Windows (IIS) and Linux (Apache) Got it working, thx @Choppra for sharing!
  9. With that settings boats are spawning on our server... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Roaming Boats Setup ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Settings for roaming seaborne AI (non armed boats will just sail around) SC_maxNumberofBoats = 2; SC_occupySeaVehicleIgnoreCount = false; // true if you want spawn vehicles regardless of overall AI count // Array of boats which can be used by AI patrols (the number next to next vehicle is the maximum amount of that class allowed, 0 for no limit) SC_BoatClassToUse = [ ["B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F",1], ["I_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F",1], ["O_Boat_Transport_01_F",0], ["Exile_Boat_MotorBoat_Police",1] ]; SC_occupyBoatUseFixedPos = true; // True if you want to specify the patrol positions and radius of the area to patrol / false for random // if you set SC_maxNumberofBoats higher than the number of static positions, the remainder will be random // they will also ignore any blacklisted areas SC_occupyBoatFixedPositions = [ [[200,200,0],2000,"Tanoa"], // [[x,y,z],radius,"mapname"] leave no spaces between [[400,400,0],2000,"Tanoa"], [[14000,5000,0],3000,"Tanoa"], [[16000,16000,0],3000,"Tanoa"] ]; ...just the positions need a bit adjustment
  10. disto1978

    Bases Cracking On Restart

    Wow, a few versions of Exile later and we have the same problems with broken bases. Is there a working solution for current Exile build 1.0.3? The base code of ExileServer_util_extDB2_createMessage.sqf is different than 0.9.4 this thread has started with. It would be great if someone can post a working code please.
  11. Helly Guys, Hey @second_coming We had a longer break with exile and want to give it a try again. Occupation is really nice, but what i miss is a option to spawn random AI in towns,citys,villages if players are near/inside like in good old A3XAI. Maybe a 90% chance to spawn groups of 4-10 AI in bigger citys, 60% chance of 3-6 AI in towns and 30% chance of 2-3 AI in villages, if you know what i mean. AI should only spawn if a player enter the area and search for them. I don´t like the static AI option cause the players know after short time where the AI is and how many in which area. Also the static AI does not respawn after get killed by players. It would be better if the AI is more random and incalculable. Is that possible with Occupation or someone know a other working script? A3XAI was great but it´s extreme outdated and have bad performance.
  12. disto1978

    Advanced Sling loading blocked?

    Yeah that's right, but would be nice if the menu work. Why the menu is not shown? I think it´s not InfiStar who block this, is this from exile?
  13. disto1978

    Advanced Sling loading blocked?

    Did you (or someone else) figured out how to get this window working to choose single or double sling load?
  14. We are set up a new Exile Tanoa server, does someone get the revive script working with 1.0.0 or better to wait? Some informations the Devs implement revive to Exile in the near future?