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About Shadycuz

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  1. Shadycuz

    Looking for good dedi host site

    actually 25MB is 200Mb because you get 8bits in a byte. So MB*8 = Mb or Mb / 8 = MB winner winner chicken dinner. 100mbps = 12.5 MB 1000mbps = 125MB and 10Gb = 1.25Gb or 1250MB which is what my home Lan runs at. How ever you will hardly every achieve these numbers because of over ahead and what not but you can get close. My 10gb fiber Lan at home bench marks at 1199MB
  2. Shadycuz

    Looking for good dedi host site

    I agree with this to an extent. But Managed servers exist because some people don't know much about how to setup and run servers. So if you don't think you can manage it then get some one to do it for you. I'm about to roll out a new cloud in the WOW Data center in Columbus,OH. Should be ready by the end of this week but maybe next week if I get busy. I would be willing to give out some free VM's for people to test for a few months and then we could talk about pricing for hosting. I'm kinda low on IP's can ARMA3 run behind NAT on different ports? I know with games some can/some cant.
  3. Shadycuz

    Can you host with out owning the game?

    Sweet Ill try it tonight, I might need people to test though lol.
  4. Shadycuz

    Can you host with out owning the game?

    Well I have a rack in a DC with 1gb internet. I'm hoping I can trade a dedicated server for a copy of arma3, I don't even have to own the game, they can put it on a new steam account and they can set it up and just give me access. I don't want to buy arma3 and not like it. I have a second steam account with games for when my friends come over to the house. Not sure if I can find that but I was hoping to have the server set up and give it too some one.
  5. Weird question but I haven't bought arma3 and not sure if I want to over a mod, though the videos are fun to watch. But can I just host for other people? I know I can with other steamcmd games. Just wondering, Thanks,