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About DrauL

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  1. DrauL

    I am ashamed of myself

    I haven't seen any new updates from Chris, anyone know if he released one?
  2. DrauL

    I am ashamed of myself

    What were they? I am having the same issue. Only have DMS, VEMF and infiSTAR installed through Vilayer. Edit: Never had this issue with updating before.
  3. DrauL

    Server Files?

    Here: http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/downloads/ Scroll down to server.
  4. DrauL


    You want the code found here: http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/5556-fix-for-duping-in-0934-via-combinemag-thermal-scanner-and-matches/
  5. DrauL


    No worries mate, enjoy!
  6. DrauL

    New To Arma 3

    I haven't found a script for that for me yet though there is discussion here: http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/538-anyone-have-a-working-tow-script/ Personally I think thats a bad idea, but you would just need to grab the coords for it and put it the mission.sqm in your .pbo You want the playerMarker script found here: http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/1083-player-marker-group-markers-script/ Hope that helps!
  7. DrauL


    Hey Irok, Definitely will, I have DMS, VEMF and infiSTAR running on Vilayer. This is what mine looks like: And then when we go deeper: Their support is 10/10. I have had their CEO come into my TS on the other side of the world to assist me live because I had the same issue, I really don't understand some of the people that dislike them.
  8. DrauL

    Disappearing Ammo

    Just want to chime in that I have had this similar experience. At first I just thought I was mistaken but I recently confirmed it as I know I had some 2 remaining mags and after log I only had the ammo in my gun.