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  1. Starfish

    Looking for input on Multi Servers on 1 system with BEC

    Not sure if I get you'r core problem right, but if I do theres an easy solution: rename your arma3server.exe corresponding to your server. Like, name it arma3exileDEV.exe, change all your scripts and .bats to fit the name and voila, it'll only kill/restart the specific server. You could also go by PID, but thats actually too much hazzle as a secondary way for one that gets it fixed easy as pie. Edit: same for your BEC - it auto-cancels the process when it doesnt find the server any more, but renaming it to easily keep track of which BEC belongs to which server cant hurt
  2. Starfish

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    @SLB2k11 change the value of line 1399 from 0.1 to 0.05. The correction to the right is only very minimal, so that should be more than enough and seems to fit quite nicely. Should've just copy&pasted the whole array instead of changing values of the script that was posted on the other thread ;), you're welcome mate though, always great to see more good stuff become available for everyone and people taking their time to do it.
  3. Starfish

    Buy Taru Pods

    In the meantime, while SLB2k11 is still working on the complete version of the script, here is my current IGILOAD configuration file. It has the Taru Pods edited in as loadable item for HEMTT and Tempest (Zamak has been left out because of size issues with the bigger cargo containers). Also it has most other feasable Exile vehicles added, with exception to the already overpowered cars (Strider, Hunter, Ifrit). Containers actually fit fine onto the trucks and can be loaded/unloaded without flipping the whole vehicle. To use, just install the Pod changes from SLB2k11 like explained in his first post, add Igiload and replace the content of the igiload.sqf with the content from my link. (Note: if you are using an AI script like DMS, your players can actually load the supply crates and run off with them. This can be intended or not. If you dont want that to happen, remove the IL_Supported_Box_xx classnames)