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About I_Shoot_Back

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  1. I_Shoot_Back

    Physical Pop-Tabs

    not unique,epoch has it in the shape of a crapberry phone. Or had,haven't played it in a long time. Everything is too save,too low-risk.Playing arma2 again,it's complete and it's exciting as you are always in risk of losing it all.
  2. I_Shoot_Back

    Server display feature missing

    Big improvement already in displaying servers! While going through the options,I started to miss a multiselection option. So,I like to select region,map and amount of players in a combo. Right now if I select map,it shows essiker,then namalsk in following order but cant select most players first or certain region for that map. Think it would be perfect if that where options
  3. I_Shoot_Back

    [SOLVED] Jumping players (update infiSTAR)

    going back to 27A solved it for you?
  4. I_Shoot_Back

    More building components

    yes,we NEED vector building for sure. Who made vector? Is he still around,can't we port vector to arma3? I'm an admin and get asked so often about vector building. Really hope some one is going to make it for exile.
  5. Don't worry guys,BEX is gonna fix it all for us.
  6. I_Shoot_Back

    Refueling on Esseker

  7. I_Shoot_Back

    Costum fuelstation,how to simulate?

    excellent info sir!!! Pumps are working now Thank you!
  8. I_Shoot_Back

    Costum fuelstation,how to simulate?

    Hello all, Having trouble getting costum placed fuel pumps to work proper for vehicle refill. I have search and came across this: Tried to apply the script to the initServer.sqf but to no result. Via recipe you can fill a fuel canister,but still can't refill a vehicle.Option get's presented to refuel,but fuel count doesn't go up. What am I doing wrong?
  9. I_Shoot_Back

    Refueling on Esseker

    So,driving a car up close and you get the refuel symbol,but fuel does not go up. Take an empty fuel canister,via recipe you can fill the canister. How can I make it work,so that it refuels the vehicles?
  10. I_Shoot_Back

    Spawning in deep South-West Sea

    Remind me to not play on your server,geez. Nice attitude bro,eat a snicker,you seem hungry.
  11. I_Shoot_Back

    Base destroying confirmed ?

    3 satchels placed one at the time destroys a wall. What do you pay for a satchel? Do the math,in order to destroy some ones base you will lots of poptabs. Most ppl have the high value stuff in a safe,so I wouldn't be too worried that you will be raided all the time. So,let's say you do get raided,they will only blow up one wall,maybe two if they screwed up the first time. Won't take ya much effort to replace those.Hardly a game breaker. It's the classic cat and mouse game,you get raided easy,you build smarter,they blow up smarter,you build even smarter.. Rinse and repeat...... I would like there to be more open shelves,little wood sheds etc so that base raiding becomes more attractive.It adds to the game. A perfectly save base for all your goodies is boring I'd say...
  12. I_Shoot_Back

    4 versions in 24 hours? This is ridiculous

    Instead of complaining,mister OP,why don't you go to the donate tab and give the dev's a big fat donation? How do you think their weekend is going? I assume it's panic mode,no sleep,stress to the hills etc. Haven't they proved to make an awesome mod,that made us all believe in arma 3 again? And they do it all for free,for you!! Ok,there is a hiccup with this update,so what? Like Slim says,in dayz SA it has been a disaster from the start,fixes? ya maybe a few months down the road. Exile has a hiccup with an update,what happens? They work around the clock to fix it!! Dayz SA team= multi million dollar income>> little to no support. Exile team=for free>> busting their ass off to fix it. Be a good boy and donate to Exile,do the right thing.
  13. I_Shoot_Back

    Ability to move/deconstruct flag.

    In arma 2 you could move the plot pole,higher up mostly as it had the bubble type range,but by moving it you would loose range on part of the building and they would disappear if you left them "uncovered". It had the option to visualize the range of the pole so you could see if you where still covering all objects. So,let's say you have a 15 meter circle,you start building but decide you heading in that one direction,you should then be able to move the flag a tad,so it covers that direction better,15 meter still being 15 meters,moving the flag too far over,you loose coverage on the objects at the far side. Will need to be able to make range visual. Then there is always the option to upgrade to wider range to keep coverage if needs be.
  14. I_Shoot_Back

    Show off your base.

    Great idea,looks very cool...Might have to steal that idea