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Everything posted by _Unit

  1. _Unit

    Safe Zone Relocate for Exile?

    Thanks @WURSTKETTE
  2. _Unit

    Safe Zone Relocate for Exile?

    Thanks I was thinking this had to be server side.
  3. _Unit

    Safe Zone Relocate for Exile?

    Not sure where to add this server side. I tried placing it in its own pbo in the addons folder of the @Exileserver called safezone_relocate.pbo contents of safezone_relocate.pbo: config.cpp safeZoneRelocate.sqf fn_init.sqf when I restart the server vehicles are still in the safe zone. am I doing this wrong server side?
  4. _Unit

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    awesome script! thanks for sharing!
  5. Ok, I have the headless client connected but I dont see any missions, AI, Zombies or anything. Server.rpt HC.rpt
  6. Thank you so much for your help the thread you posted did the trick! It turns out that when running a headless client on the same machine as the server you need to use a different port than default. Port 2302 will not work. Once again Thanks a ton man
  7. arma3server.rpt: arma3serverHC.rpt:
  8. That didnt work either, i got the same result.
  9. I will give that a try, Thanks.
  10. this is defined already in my config.cfg line 7-9
  11. I am able to connect as a player fine.
  12. I am trying to get this setup on Tanoa and I have followed the install instructions. for some reason the headless client connects then disconnects 15 seconds or so later then reconnects and disconnects. Here is my HC startup script: Here is my Server Startup: Here is my config.cfg: Here is my rpt log: Here is my mission.sqm here is my initPlayerLocal.sqf I am running the HC on the same machine as the server. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. _Unit

    HC on dev apex sneak peak mode

    I am looking for this too as the mission.sqm doesnt have a class groups;
  14. Is there any way to keep zeds from ghosting through doors?
  15. Is the website for http://www.exilereborn.com/ down?
  16. Can you share with me how you were able to spawn your custom map edits in without that added pbo?

  17. _Unit

    Player Marker & Group Markers Script

    Thanks Izzer that was it!
  18. _Unit

    Player Marker & Group Markers Script

    I am using this and I get kicked by infiStar here is my settings.
  19. _Unit

    Exile Linux server admins SKYPE-group

    ok so what chat program are we using? I think its great to have and instant messenger type chat to get instant responses.
  20. _Unit

    Player Marker & Group Markers Script

    I have tried this and my players are still getting banned.
  21. _Unit

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    I have tried every suggestion for the BE filter and I still get set variable restrictions. setvariable.log Value Restriction #0 "attachedpos" = 0 2:103 Exile_Car_SUV_Black Value Restriction #0 "attachedpos" = 0 2:103 Exile_Car_SUV_Black Value Restriction #0 "attachedpos" = 0 2:103 Exile_Car_SUV_Black Value Restriction #0 "default_mass" = 10942.9 2:128 Exile_Car_HEMMT Value Restriction #0 "default_mass" = 10942.9 2:128 Exile_Car_HEMMT setvariable.txt //new 7 "" !"box_l" !"r3f_log_disabled" !"r3f_log_est_deplace_par" !"usable_ramp" !"can_copilot" !"cargo_offset" !"slots" !"load_offset" !"zload" !"can_outside" !"slots_num" !"default_mass" !="bis_fnc_objectvar_var" !"can_load" !"doors" !"attachedtruck" !"attachedpos" !"box_num" !"can_load" !"zload_cargo" !="exilexm8isonline" !="bis_fnc_selectrespawntemplate_respawned" !="mymoneyval" !="r3f_log_remorque" !="r3f_log_est_transporte_par" !"r3f_log_objets_charges" 7 "realname" 7 "ExileScore" !="r3f_log_remorque" !="r3f_log_est_transporte_par" !="r3f_log_est_deplace_par" 7 "ExileMoney"PLEASE HELP!
  22. _Unit

    Script Restriction #57

    I updated to the latest 0.9.34 client and server files. When i join my server I get kicked with script restriction 57 as soon as I start to move. 04.10.2015 17:22:18: Unit (xx.xx.xx.xx:2304) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #57 " [ "76561197985241690", "76561198022879703" ]) then { createDialog "RscDisplayDebugPublic"; }; _stopPropagation = true; }; "I was told that the UID's belonged to GRIM and ELCHI? for the life of me I couldn't figure out where in the hell those two UID's were coming from... Well after using Agent Ransack, I found that the UID's are in the exile_client.pbo file. How can I fix this issue?
  23. _Unit

    Script Restriction #57

    I just updated the Client a second time and it went away.
  24. _Unit

    Help with Restriction #48

    It would be nice if you shared what you did to fix it! I have the same issue. Can you please share? EDIT*** Found it in another thread. !="ons\restart.paa' color='%10'/>%18:%19</t>",\n\n"%", \ncount playableUnits,\n_damage,\n_wallet, \n_hunger, \n_thirst, \n_serverFPS, \n_ene"