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About Ballsinacan

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  1. All Hello, I hope I am asking this question in the correct area. If not please let me know to move it. My question is where can I find the cups_chernarus_config. I have looked at the forums and google and found nothing. I have downloaded every Cups download and nothing. I even tried AllinArma packs and can not find the aia_chernarus_config. Thank you in advance
  2. Ballsinacan

    Adding addtion spawns

    Hello Justinlee, The video goes over creating traders not spawns
  3. Ballsinacan

    Adding addtion spawns

    Hello Justinlee, Thank you, I swear I searched maybe tags or keywords don't filter.
  4. Ballsinacan

    Adding addtion spawns

    The only spawn info from the forms is this one , but this person asking for help as well
  5. Ballsinacan

    Adding addtion spawns

    Hello Justinlee, I will look again Thank you
  6. Ballsinacan

    ACiDy Configurable Spawn & Trade zones [w8ing 4 patch]

    Hello [x] iDanich, Thank you for all the hard work. I have one issue with this mod that is not allowing me to fully deploy it. The issue that I am having once I apply the mod, no loot spawns in towns also the players do not get prompted that loot spawns when in a town/city. However once I remove the mod everything is working normally. Does anyone have insight on this? Thank you
  7. Ballsinacan

    Adding addtion spawns

    Hello All, I am looking foe where in exile I can define spawns. I want to add addition spawns. Thank you