Hawaiian Snow

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Snow

  1. Hawaiian Snow

    [SOLVED] Watch Out Guys

    its gr8 isnt it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  2. Hawaiian Snow

    [SOLVED] Watch Out Guys

    @Vergy if you need some help with any type of server related thing you can shoot me a pm
  3. Hawaiian Snow

    Donator badges on the forums, and badges in general

    "but it shouldn't come with anything other than the simple "thanks"-message you get after donating." - @Tobias Solem Isn't that what this is but formulated differently? This is the way the team chose to say thanks for participating in our community, i dont see anything wrong with that ;p
  4. Hawaiian Snow

    What is Contractc*****?

    @Capt00 nope havent seen it yet
  5. Hawaiian Snow

    What is Contractc*****?

  6. Hawaiian Snow

    [SOLVED] Donation Whitelisted server?

    This is allowed by the BI Monetization rules, however you need to get approval for it but it is highly likely that you will get approval for it since the rules are you can monetize your server as long as it doesnt affect direct gameplay. Here you can see some examples and get yourself approved: https://www.bistudio.com/monetization Goodluck!
  7. Hawaiian Snow

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Looks really cool! Great job cant wait to give it a go when re-released ^^
  8. Hawaiian Snow

    Exile Chernarus Script Restriction #6

    1. A script restriction means that you are getting kicked by battleye and probably havent put the exception in the scripts.txt, if you put it in a pastebin.com and link it here i can help you with it. 2. No clue what you or your host has done here. 3. Common issue is that the logo doesnt load for the first time you download your mission file, if it exists even after you put it in then yes the path might be wrong. In my mission file (description.ext) its for exile its " loadScreen = "Images\loading_logo.jpg"; " Which refers to the folder Images in my mission file.
  9. Hawaiian Snow

    Losing Connection

    Hi fellow exile players, Anyone else noticing that your arma will tell you you're losing connection somehow? Usually it drops for an avg of 15seconds and another time it just times out and i have to restart my game. I cant find anything int he RPT and i dont know how long ago it started, i assume it was the latest arma update but cant confirm. Let me know if you or a friend experiences the same thing, then i might open a theard about it on the Arma bug tracker. Ive reinstalled my system even when this was happening, and confirmed my network is fine, so i hope more people are experiencing this and we can work something out or get it reported to BI.
  10. Hawaiian Snow

    Weird graphics bug (see screenshot)

    Yea i found this out on cherno tavi and some other maps running CUPS, as soon as i disabled rain and put fog down to a certain amount it didnt happen anymore.
  11. Hawaiian Snow

    Server not showing up after map change

    You either need Cupterrains Full package, or cups maps and core together.
  12. Hawaiian Snow

    Adding briefing notes?

    Hey, This might come in handy: http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/1270-tuts-briefing-for-exilemod/ Goodluck!
  13. Hawaiian Snow

    Admin Tools/Admin Commands

    There are admin tools in the script releases section! Goodluck :)
  14. Hawaiian Snow

    Base Raiding

    I agree with you on this, however the system needs to work in a way so people cant exploit it so they log off to save their base, and i would love to see a 5-10min animation for getting the code and an increased success rate based on the amount of respect you have. Another idea around locking that i had is, make it so when the code is entered wrong three times the owner of the lock/car/helo has to come online to reset it.
  15. Hawaiian Snow

    Disappearing Ammo

    Starting to get more complaints about this every day, People who lose mags on restart but the most when people are online and check their inventories every once in a while they see ammo dissappearing. If i had to make a guess i would say that high server load has something to do with it but can't make sure it has.
  16. Hawaiian Snow

    Worng server version (installed 0.9.35, server

    usually happens when the server didnt update their key
  17. Hawaiian Snow

    BE Server Kick

    If you are sure this is a script that you allow to be used and its in your mission file, either verify that is in or add it to your "7 sqf" line at the bottom of your scripts.txt
  18. Hawaiian Snow

    How can i join

    there are two ways to do this: 1. Download A3Launcher and download exile within that and activate it 2. Download the mod from the website and put it in your arma3 folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3), when you have done that open the arma launcher and go to the mods tab hit the folder with the plus at the bottom and add the exile folder and hit play.
  19. Hawaiian Snow

    [WIP] port for Exile

    Im hyped for: -SUV & armored -VW Golf -HMMWV -AN-2 -Land Rover If i had to pick 2 of these that would be really awesome to have i would say its the SUV and HMMWV. (you're awesome ^^)
  20. Hawaiian Snow

    Wrong Spawn locations showing up on Esseker

    Hey, You can set your spawn locations in your mission.sqm look for: class Item0 { position[] = {1644.82, 5.99636, 2113.64}; name = "NameOfmySpawnZone"; text = "TextThatsShownOnTheMap"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; }; If you add or remove some make sure you change the X below to the amount of entries you have. class Markers { items = X;
  21. Hawaiian Snow

    Random server crashes

    It looks like it freezes, right? i dont see an error report code. If so i would say start with taking out your additions step by step like AI and other customizations. Or try running it on windows for a while if you did that and it didnt give any results.
  22. Hawaiian Snow

    Mod Help

    I'd say post your startup parameters and then i can confirm if you did something wrong or not. Its basicly adding the @Mod folders to your root dir and then adding them to your startup params ( in the batch file you start the server with ).
  23. Hawaiian Snow

    error in untouched exile_server.pbo

    Well you basicly answered yourself and didnt believe it yet its probably a database issue, give it a try with a clean database. Or based on what you posted i would check your containers column in phpmyadmin, heidiSQL or whatever tool you may use.
  24. Hawaiian Snow

    Any one servers having hacker issues

    what are hackers?
  25. Hawaiian Snow

    MEME FIGHT!!!!