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Everything posted by Sinner

  1. Sinner

    Roaming AI

    So I've used a bunch of different mods and A3XAI is very good. I've got other AI mods tuned and customized where I want them so I was using EOS. Here is an example: Note you can alter the townLocations to be almost anything, military buildings, stores, etc and then be able to spawn exactly the kind of zombies you want where you want them. This will populate all villages and cities with BLUFORs in my customized faction. mapCenter = [6322,7801,0]; //Altis Map center townLocations = nearestLocations [mapCenter, [ "NameVillage", "NameCity", "NameCityCapital"], 30000]; _locations = []; { _count=_count + 1; _pos = position _x; _m = createMarker [format ["mrk%1",random 100000],_pos]; _m setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _m setMarkerSize [400,400]; //_m setMarkerBrush "Solid"; _m setMarkerAlpha 0; _m setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _locations = _locations + [_m]; } forEach townLocations; null=[_locations,[1,1,30],[1,1,50],[2,1],[0], [0],[1,1,30],[4,1,400,WEST,TRUE,DEBUG_EOS]] call EOS_Spawn;
  2. Sinner

    Roaming AI

    I use WEST for hostile AI and zombies are on EAST. You should edit the mission in Arma editor so that Independent are friendly to no one
  3. Sinner

    Roaming AI

    couldn't figure out how to delete post
  4. Sinner

    [WIP] Modless Zombie Spawn system

    You can get zombies to not spawn in safe areas or player territories like this //fnc_zProximity.sqf //before your loop _minimumDistanceToTraderZones = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "LootSettings" >> "minimumDistanceToTraderZones"); _minimumDistanceToTerritories = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "LootSettings" >> "minimumDistanceToTerritories"); //inside the loop right after the while if !(alive player) then {goto "skip";}; if ([_playerposition, _minimumDistanceToTerritories] call ExileClient_util_world_isTerritoryInRange) then {hintsilent "territory in range";goto "skip";}; if ([_playerposition, _minimumDistanceToTerritories] call ExileClient_util_world_isTraderZoneInRange) then {hintsilent "trader in range";goto "skip";}; //at end of loop after sleep #skip
  5. Sinner

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    When is this update I was looking to do something with it this morning?
  6. Sinner

    Player Marker & Group Markers Script

    I changed the marker code as below to see direction: //Create markers { _marker = createMarkerLocal [format["%1_marker",_x],visiblePosition _x]; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue"; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_triangle"; _marker setMarkerTextLocal format["%1", _x getVariable["realname",name _x]]; _marker setMarkerDirLocal (direction _x); _markers pushBack [_marker,_x];
  7. Sinner

    0.9.20 "Tomato"

    404 on server file
  8. Sinner

    Roaming AI

    Currently using Enemy Occupation System to great success.