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  1. Slycone

    Poptabs for donations... wtf

    whats the difference with this and KOTH server's and some popular exile server's charging for a reserved slot's none but nobody seems to care about paying these server charging for this. I also remember playing on a Exile server wont name them but very popular when using extended base mod it would saying only usable for donator's . Just find it funny there's tons of server out there that do this crap but only people like GR8 get brought up .
  2. bf the patch they would blowup any vech (not tanks) but tried on cup trucks arma 3 trucks hement etc and the arma 3 ute
  3. unsure if anyone else has posted this but slam mines don't blowup vech anymore just knocks the wheels off and doesn't hurt the driver etc Tested over 20 times so far on all types of truck and arma 3 vech
  4. Well atleast there is one good thing from this patch which is its showing the legit player's from those who like to dupe i know probably every exile server will have to do a wipe after this but very handy to know who will dupe/glitch if they can.
  5. Slycone

    "New" PC for A3

    LOl sorry my bad didnt read the gpu saw it as cpu and yes my experience with amd gpu has been bad i know it could be me or could be things llike my cad 3d not liking it
  6. Slycone

    "New" PC for A3

    sorry but no amd doesnt perform in arma well at all i went from amd fx to i5k and saw close to 20% better fps and no stuttering with same gen cpu's iam unsure why anyone would buy 2nd hand gear it itsnt much cheaper than new stuff even if its old gen gear
  7. Slycone

    [CLOSED] BIS Petition

    I feel any server using somone else's mods should never be able to have vip slots ( admin slots not included ) donator perks bigger base area's or even disallow a player being able to use the Ebase app cause they didnt donate is rubbish but allowing players to donate just because they like the server is how it should be no perks no load-outs no special treatment iam sure players who like the server will donate just because they enjoy playing there and not for perks as i do.
  8. Slycone

    "New" PC for A3

    from arma to arma 3 gpu doesn't make a huge difference (unless your running a really crap gpu) get a gtx970 dont get the 980ti with the new 1080 out. i dont like ATI had to many problems with drivers not only for arma but other games and nvida shadowplay is great free recording software also 12gig of ram min and ssd try for a m.2 as its a must for arma loading. arma is all about the cpu i5k or i7k skylake arma loves cpu being overclocked arma doesnt like amd alot the main thing for arma is to add launch parameters IE.-cpuCount= -exThreads=- -high -maxMem= -noPause -noSplash -world=empty etc etc.
  9. Slycone

    Auction Mod pre-release demo video

    This would truly make a for more of a survivor if you removed all trader's but the food/drink and vehicle trader let the players make whats able to be bought and sold like guns ammo etc etc liking this mod .
  10. Slycone

    weapon jam

    its sad but true convict part is dead tried for ages to find a proper hc server close to OZ but to many players want the high end loot spawning and dont want to work for anything which for me is just like arma 2 overwatch was . ATM exile feels like a wasteland mod Not the true Exile feeling it had at the start that deadzero server looks good but like most good server to high of a ping from OZ.
  11. Slycone

    weapon jam

    LOL sorry Insertcoins but the convict thing is dead in exile we all need to move on from this part as no convict will have a tanks,jets,op heli's, m107 with demo rounds etc etc its now just Exile overwatch .
  12. Slycone

    Ability to move/deconstruct flag.

    why not just have it remove flag pole and a message come up you have till server restart to cancel the removal then on restart its gone . Moving a flag inside a current base shouldn't be allowed i can see to many ways to glitch or abuse this or worse you get shot at while moving it put you in combat then there's a bugged flag pole .
  13. Slycone

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    Love the idea of the new poptabs bring the risk back and no more running to trader killing yourself running back and reselling But how will this be implemented should we stay close to base to put poptabs away will it be move automatically into your safe upon logging in ? will dying from walking down your steps make you lose it ?. Flag pole is way to big to secure what about the guy who has it outfront of there base to show off YOUR FLAG DESIGNS or the one's sticking through a roof with no way to reinforce the floor/ceiling this part shouldn't be in the game And finally a safe is a safe use a thermal scanner thats what its in the game for offline base raiding allways happens you kill a group they wait till your offline to raid you thats fine has happened on every a2 mod a3 mod etc etc
  14. Slycone

    Floor upgrading

    Any update for this before the next patch with base raiding coming in this needs to be fixed NOW.
  15. Slycone

    Anti wall glitch

    doesnt work my mate build his base i tried 3 ways and 2 worked still best way atm is to build 2 lvl base and move the steps to 2nd lvl when your ofline of not at your base