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  1. Milamber

    Wooden Stairs FIX?

    I have always free placed the stairs so that part was never the issue. I found that not using floor ports helps a lot. Therefore I am going to build a tower with double stairs going up to a floor and so on and so on. I tried the floor as a ramp and it was great, but doing a 2x2 tower build would not work that way unfortunately.
  2. Milamber

    Wooden Stairs FIX?

    I have never snapped the stairs. The issue is that when i run down them and get close to the wall at the end of them i start floating and die. Only thing I can think of is to not have a wall at the bottom.
  3. Milamber

    Wooden Stairs FIX?

    @Rangecreed I have the exact same issue. I have found that if you run down, and even sometimes up, you can be sort of tossed into the corner of the wall in front of you and the floor and then you start to hover. 10% of the time you can vault out of it, the other times you die. I die at least 20% of the time going up and down my tower which I have coined the Tower of Doom.. and it is my doom I speak of.. not my opponents. I have found that putting a half-wall chest height about 8 inches from the wall at the bottom of the step helps me not die... but that still isnt perfect. Please let me know if you find a fix. I am looking at building a 4x4 tower and it is a huge waste of lumber just to use the center 2x2 to go up and down.