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  1. Freeman

    SNOW TIME - v 0.9.8 -[updated 31-08-2017]

    Yes this worked, but ive disabled blizzzard anyway, it impacts the fps far too much.
  2. Freeman

    SNOW TIME - v 0.9.8 -[updated 31-08-2017]

    I will try adjusting things, but the mental white im on about is not the snow, it actually affects your vision, everything goes black n white, like the exposure is really high, think only happens when theres a blizzard.
  3. Freeman

    SNOW TIME - v 0.9.8 -[updated 31-08-2017]

    Got it all working but the blizzards are to much and look funny, its just a big block above your head, needs some adjusting id turn off for now, also it makes your vision go mental white. Also the sound for prone movement sound awful aswell. the rest is pretty good, keep it up!
  4. Freeman

    Fix for Death Loop Bug/Spawn

    Ive done exactly this but everytime i look in data base theres still characters with damage = 1
  5. Freeman

    Death Loop is annoying! :P

    Im also going mad trying to fix this, manually deleting the dead characters in DB seems the only thing that works, so admin has to always be around... Ive tried automatic database events which delete dead characters, but they dont work for some reason even if put to delete every 1 Second... EVERY 1 MINUTE STARTS '2016-12-11 02:39:08' ON COMPLETION PRESERVE ENABLE COMMENT '' DO DELETE FROM `player` WHERE damage = 1
  6. Freeman

    Enhanced Movement Mod in Exile (Working!)

    I did i think its working thanks.
  7. Freeman

    Enhanced Movement Mod in Exile (Working!)

    Im not pressing anything it just does it...
  8. Freeman

    Enhanced Movement Mod in Exile (Working!)

    I think this mod is really buggy tbh, got it working fine but every doorway or tiny ledge you walk over your character starts floating, only way to stop it is to press esc...
  9. Freeman

    M3Editor - 3DEN Edition

    Hi just used this with new version of exile, it works but every object doubles up, or even just keeps spawning on top of each other.....
  10. Freeman

    Can not Build by Traders ?

    I also get this, very annoying, sometimes it lets you sometimes it dont.....
  11. Freeman

    ACiDy Configurable Spawn & Trade zones [w8ing 4 patch]

    would you possibly know where the default safe zones are in the exile code? cos im sure there's some zones in random places , it wouldn't let me build at a castle and it was about 5km from a trader or spawn zone....
  12. Freeman

    ACiDy Configurable Spawn & Trade zones [w8ing 4 patch]

    Hi can you edit the distance in which you can build from a trade or spawn zone with this script? ive noticed you have to be very far away from these zones to be able to build a base, which is pretty annoying.