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About Bushido

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  1. Bushido

    [New RU/EN] qXq Сhernarus Exile

    [RU] Особенности сервера: Полный цикл дня. Термальные прицелы отключены. Убрано Перекрестие прицела. Авто патрули. Система Банка. Миссии / миссии по захвату города. Возможность изменять дальность прорисовки самостоятельно. IP сервера: Необходимые моды: All in Arma Terrain Pack (AiA TP) 1.4.1 RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation RHS: United States Armed Forces Группа ВК сервера: qXq [EN] Server Features: The complete cycle of the day. Thermal sights disabled Removed crosshairs. Auto patrols. Bank system. Mission / mission to capture the city. Ability to change the view distance yourself. IP SERVER: Necessary fashion: All in Arma Terrain Pack (AiA TP) 1.4.1 RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation RHS: United States Armed Forces
  2. Bushido

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    blowout_server.sqf Line 72 Original bl_damage = { if (ns_blow_damage_vehicles) then { _count_vehicles = count vehicles; diag_log format["[NAC BLOWOUT SERVER] :: bl_damage (_count_vehicles = %1)", _count_vehicles]; for [{_c = 0}, {_c <= _count_vehicles}, {_c = _c + 1}] do { _vehikl = vehicles select _c; if (_vehikl isKindOf "AllVehicles") then { if ((damage _vehikl) <= 0.99) then { _vehikl setDamage (damage _vehikl - ns_blow_vehicle_damageamount); _vehikl setFuel 0; diag_log format["[NAC BLOWOUT SERVER] :: [V] %1 has been damaged by blowout by 0.90", _vehikl]; }; }; }; }; }; Fixed bl_damage = { if (ns_blow_damage_vehicles) then { _count_vehicles = count vehicles; diag_log format["[NAC BLOWOUT SERVER] :: bl_damage (_count_vehicles = %1)", _count_vehicles]; for [{_c = 0}, {_c <= _count_vehicles}, {_c = _c + 1}] do { _vehikl = vehicles select _c; if (_vehikl isKindOf "AllVehicles") then { if ((damage _vehikl) <= 0.99) then { _vehikl setDamage ((damage _vehikl) - ns_blow_vehicle_damageamount); _vehikl setFuel 0; diag_log format["[NAC BLOWOUT SERVER] :: [V] %1 has been damaged by blowout by 0.90", _vehikl]; }; }; }; }; };
  3. Bushido


  4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2LrTHmcHUA6TDl4aWM1WXpyX1E/view @ExileServer\addons\
  5. Bushido

    0.9.20 "Tomato"

    after the death of the player can not go to the server
  6. Bushido

    0.9.20 "Tomato"

    3:51:51 Error in expression < }; } forEach _buildings; } catch { }; _spawnedLoot> 3:51:51 Error position: <_spawnedLoot> 3:51:51 Error Undefined variable in expression: _spawnedloot 3:51:51 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_lootManager_spawnLootForPlayer.sqf, line 132 3:51:51 Error in expression <", time]; if (_notifyPlayer) then { if (_spawnedLoot) then { _spawnedLootForPlay> 3:51:51 Error position: <_spawnedLoot) then { _spawnedLootForPlay> 3:51:51 Error Undefined variable in expression: _spawnedloot 3:51:51 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_lootManager_thread_spawnLoot.sqf, line 23