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  1. Hello guys. Exile still living? Where i can find the new planned features? Any ETA to the next release?
  2. Tinned Food/Drink Loot You can put in the game craft-able food. For example: In ARK Survival evolved you make Kibble to Dinos. To make that in Exile you can make Ration (like Metal Gear Solid Ration). Some Water, some vegetables, some stuffs like fish oil haha
  3. I like KnatteAnka suggestion. I made some less changes: Name Old Change -------------------------------------------------------------- Kart 0 Quad Bike 600 Hatchback 2000 1000 Hatchback (Sport) 2000 1000 SUV 2000 Offroad 4000 3000 Offroad (Repair) 4000 2500 Offroad (Armed) 4000 1500 Strider 4000 2000 // sacrifice cargo for armor and speed Hunter 2000 2500 // Larger cargo but less armor Ifrit 2000 Van 3000 //has truck bed like offroad Van (Box) 3000 3500 // sacrifice speed and armor for cargo Van (Fuel) 3000 600 // same as quad bike in storage Zamak 3000 4000 Tempest 3000 5000 HEMMT 3000 6000 MH-9 1000 600 // Have very heavy weapons. M-900 1000 1000 MI-280 Taru 4000 2000 MI-280 Taru (Covered) 4000 2000 MI-280 Taru (Transport) 4000 4000//Transport version should be able to carry more then standard PO-30 Orca 3000 2000 CH-49 Mohawk 5000 3000 CH-67 Huron 6000 4000 WY-55 Hellcat 2000 1500 Cessna 185 Sykwagon 0 (???) 1000 // 3000 is too much for a little plane
  4. Do not decrease Hatchback cargo please! Repair Off-road Truck (-1000 in comparison of default Off-road) and Fuel truck (i think 1000 is too high. Maybe just the cabin with 600) need less space. Fuel truck don't have any cargo space and repair need it to "repair equipment". 3000 to Strider, Hunter and Ifrit is enough. HEMTT with 8000, Zamak and Tempest with 7000 is reasonable. Vanbox with 5000 and default van with 4000 is ok i think.
  5. SUV - 3000 is very nice :D Offroad - 4000 Offroad (Repair) - 3000 (Offroad Repair have repair stuffs right? Well have less space too :D) Offroad (Armed) - 2000 (Same above!) Van (Fuel) - 1000 (This is a fuel truck and not make sense 3000 of space) Zamak - 8000 (Truck box with same space? Hum that's not feels right) Tempest - 8000 HEMMT - 8000
  6. FlyMaker

    How Do you Put snipers and 7.62 guns in back pack

    As i said in that post make "weapon parts" will be fix that. Or create a weapon case
  7. FlyMaker

    Remove thermal.

    Dont do that man. If you can use Thermal the enemy will use to. Same oportunities!! UAV have thermal and thats is overpower
  8. Nice Wishlist! I have 2 ideas to make Exile more dynamic!! 1 - Make semi auto 5.56 rifles to put on civilian houses. This will make military bases much more attractive. I really want more weapons variety! 2 - SafeZone invasion events (Maybe 1/1000 chance to occur). A common enemy to all players on server will be nice. Here is my look about that: Put some AI's invading safe zones (maybe Mafia factions?!) to make the area hostile. After all AI's die add respect and pop's to all players in SafeZone area. To prevent player vs player on that event "friendly fire" have respect penalty (-1000 for example) Sorry for my bad english
  9. FlyMaker

    SemiAuto Rifles! I made that mod. Its a default MK20 with only Semi Auto mode! I hope the devs approve! Classnames:Weapon - fm_mk20_singleMagazine - 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (default bohemia classname)Put this on init unit line:removeallweapons this;this addweapon "fm_mk20_single";this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";
  10. FlyMaker

    SemiAuto Rifles!

    Hello everyone! Some countries have restrictions to fully automatic weapons. These weapons are only for military use. Create new class with game default weapons, but changing to semi auto will create difference between Civil loot to military loot. This will make military much more high value in game! Sorry for my english. If you don't understand i will try to explain again.
  11. FlyMaker

    Weapon Case Bag

    The player can choose Weapon case or common backpack. The difference is the backpack only carry no-crafted weapons, and weapon case carry fully crafted weapon.
  12. FlyMaker

    Weapon Case Bag

    Exactly. Will be a backpack type with space to put one big weapon, one small like a pistol, with some ammo. Useful for snipers! It's not a camping bag and will not have some space to water and food.
  13. FlyMaker

    Buyable Watercooler?
