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  1. WormFood

    Simple Deploy Bike for InfiSTAR's XM8Custom Apps

    Client RPT 16:59:42 Error in expression < publicVariableServer "do_CreateBike"; uiSleep 4; ["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Bik> 16:59:42 Error position: <uiSleep 4; ["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Bik> 16:59:42 Error Generic error in expression 16:59:42 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tanoa\addons\deployBike\deployBike.sqf, line 14 deployBike.sqf // 2016 (c) 0x2AFF (exceptionptr) // https://github.com/0x2aff/XM8CustomDeployBike if !((vehicle player) isEqualTo player) exitWith {}; if ("Exile_Item_DuctTape" in (magazines player)) then { player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDr_medic3"; player removeItem "Exile_Item_DuctTape"; _spawnPos = player modelToWorld [0,3,0]; do_CreateBike = [player, _spawnPos, _spawnDir]; publicVariableServer "do_CreateBike"; uiSleep 4; ["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Bike deployed!", "Your Duct Tape has been removed."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; } else { ["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Can't deploy Bike", "You don't have any Duct Tape."]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; };
  2. WormFood

    Simple Deploy Bike for InfiSTAR's XM8Custom Apps

    In my init.sqf i have the following... // Deploy/Scrap Bike Functions #include "addons\deployBike\createBike.sqf"; fnc_bike_deploy = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\deployBike\deployBike.sqf"; fnc_bike_scrap = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\deployBike\scrapBike.sqf"; And my creatBike.sqf is as follows.... // 2016 (c) 0x2AFF (exceptionptr) // https://github.com/0x2aff/XM8CustomDeployBike if (isServer) then { "do_CreateBike" addPublicVariableEventHandler { private ["_parameters","_position","_vehicleArray","_rVehIndex","_vehicle","_spawnDir","_veh"]; _parameters = _this select 1; _position = _parameters select 1; _spawnDir = (_parameters select 2) - 90; //not sure what the point is of turning it sideways is, take out - 90 if you don't want it _vehicleArray = ["Exile_Bike_Oldbike", "Exile_Bike_MountainBike"]; _rVehIndex = floor (random (count _vehicleArray)); _vehicle = _vehicleArray select _rVehIndex; _veh = createVehicle[_vehicle, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _veh setposATL _position; _veh setDir _spawnDir; }; }; And i still go through the actions but never get bike.
  3. WormFood

    Simple Deploy Bike for InfiSTAR's XM8Custom Apps

    Everything works except there is no bike. No errors but after going through the motion and removing duct tape i get no bike.
  4. WormFood

    Dynamic Electrical storms

    For Tanoa I think 8000.00 8000.00 should be close.
  5. WormFood

    ZBG APEX / EXILE (1.0.1|1.62)

    Small gaming community looking for players to try our new Arma 3 Exile Apex Tanoa Server. Please visit our website for more info on what mods / scripts we are running.
  6. WormFood

    [XM8 App] Apoc's Airdrop Assistance

    Is there any way to add this to Infistars version of XM8 Apps ?
  7. WormFood

    Error when Connecting to Server

    Please delete...fixed.
  8. WormFood


    Didnt see a .paa file for the image in the XM8 so i grabbed one off the internet quick for people to use if they want. .paa file http://www.zombiebattaliongaming.com/ArmaFiles/selfie.rar
  9. WormFood

    [XM8 App] Apoc's Airdrop Assistance

    Got this error when hitting the back button on airdrop script... https://gyazo.com/d72ac72f32015c5cfbc4d3db9a2c6d5b
  10. WormFood

    Status Bar

    I added a custom status bar at the bottom of my screen...how do i stop the original one from showing ?
  11. WormFood

    Dedicated Namalsk Server Issues

    Adding key worked but now i have this issue on Char create....
  12. WormFood

    Dedicated Namalsk Server Issues

    I got the restart issue fixed but now have this issue when trying to connect to my server. https://gyazo.com/18ad04a762397bbff139b9049b7cf370 **** FIXED *** I followed the tutorial from this site for a Namalsk server and when i try to start the server it gets to this screen https://gyazo.com/594418877c1b1dd4ced6b6b9586c88ce and then restarts. What could be wrong ?
  13. WormFood

    Fast Roping

    What he said.....