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Everything posted by Andrew_S90
Dual Arms This is mod that allows use of two primary weapons, one in your main slot one in your launcher slot. You can download the mod from here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1334412770 Now on A3Launcher! Thanks Maca! There are some important overrides that need to be made to make this work with Exile, out of the box it has iffy results and sometimes the eventhandlers would overwrite each other I will provide instructions how to combine my eventHandlers with Exiles. Once the overrides work, then this will work great, just like it would in singleplayer. Current bug: See the second weapon in the trader with an error image. Will take a look tomorrow solving this so you will not be able to see them in the trader. Current feature: will stand up if you swap weapons while crouching/prone. This acts like exiles autorun. Installation Client: Step 1: Paste the following into your description.ext - its very important because you need to override my hook file to disable the eventhandlers!! Otherwise it will break. #include "custom\dual_arms\CfgSecondaryWeapons.hpp" Inside CfgSecondaryWeapons you can turn addactions on and off, drop weapons on death on and off, block weapons as well as override any of my script files. In mission.sqm please add "secondary_weapons" to addons to require players to have the mod, plus the server needs it as well. Like this: addOns[]= { "exile_client", "secondary_weapons", "a3_map_altis" }; You will need to launch the @DualArms mod with your server. Step 2: The following overrides need to be made ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp On line 170 (original files) The code needs to be modified to: //Dual Arms Start private _dialog = uiNameSpace getVariable ["RscDisplayInventory", displayNull]; if (secondaryWeapon player != "") then { if (((secondaryWeapon player) splitString "_") select ((count ((secondaryWeapon player) splitString "_"))-1) == "secondary") then { if(!(SecondaryWeaponsSwapping) && (_dialog isEqualTo displayNull)) then { (primaryWeapon player) spawn SecondaryWeapons_events_swapSecondaryWeapon; }; } else { if (secondaryWeapon player != currentWeapon player) then { player selectWeapon (secondaryWeapon player); }; }; } else { if (primaryWeapon player != "") then { if(!(SecondaryWeaponsSwapping) && (_dialog isEqualTo displayNull)) then { (primaryWeapon player) spawn SecondaryWeapons_events_addSecondaryWeapon; }; }; }; //Dual Arms End ExileClient_object_player_event_onInventoryClosed after like 16: //Dual Arms call SecondaryWeapons_events_onInventoryClosed; ExileClient_object_player_event_onInventoryOpened Most important override!! ExileClient_object_player_event_onKilled After line 41 - not inside the brackets add: //Dual Arms _this call SecondaryWeapons_events_onKilled; ExileClient_object_player_event_onTake After line 15 and before the if statement I added: //Dual Arms _this call SecondaryWeapons_events_onTake; Server: Step 1: Handling a disconnecting player, for Exile you will need to modify/make an override for ExileServer_system_network_event_onHandleDisconnect.sqf You will need the following bit of code to save the users pointer attachment (IR Laser/Flashlight etc and UGL Ammo (HE Rounds etc)) //Dual Arms Start _SWInfo = _unit getVariable ["SecondaryWeaponsWeaponInfo", []]; if(count _SWInfo > 0) then { _uniform = uniformContainer _unit; _vest = vestContainer _unit; _backpack = backpackContainer _unit; _containers = [_uniform, _vest, _backpack]; { _item = _x; _className = ""; _array = false; _added = false; if(typeName _item isEqualTo "ARRAY") then { _array = true; _className = _x select 0; } else { _className = _x; }; { if (!(isNull _x)) then { if (_x canAdd [_className, 1]) exitWith { if(_array) then { _unit addMagazine [_className, _item select 1]; } else { _className = [_className, 0, -10] call BIS_fnc_trimString; _unit addItem _className; }; _added = true; }; }; if (_added) exitWith {}; } forEach _containers; } forEach _SWInfo; }; //Dual Arms End ExileClient_gui_traderDialog_updateInventoryListBox see override on github to not display secondary weapons in trader menus. Please see this github for an example mission edits: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/DualArms Download again is here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1334412770 Please post if you have any questions or mods to be added, they will be added in batches. The current list of supported mods is: RHSUSAF : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843577117 RHSAFRF : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843425103 RHSGREF : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843593391 RHSSAF : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843632231 NIArms : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1208517358 Project Infinite : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=807038742 Exile Mod : http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/downloads/ ADR-97 Weapon Pack : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=669962280 Operation: TREBUCHET : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=769440155 Cup Weapons : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=497660133 NATO_Rus_Weapons : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=500929500 Specialist Military Arms (SMA) : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699630614 The_Unsung_Vietnam_War_Mod : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 FFAA Mod : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=820994401 VME PLA : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=655153321 2035: Russian Armed Forces : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=543460260 FHQ Firearms : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=402601958 BWMod : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1200127537 SFP: Swedish Forces Pack : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=826911897 3CB BAF Weapons : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=893339590 Faces of war : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=891433622 IFA3_AIO_LITE : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=660460283 Arma 3 Aegis (Beta) : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=949252631
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Exile Player Rewards This is a system that allows admins to add rewards for players to go claim at any locker. This system in no way will auto generate rewards for your players for doing missions, logging in, donating, playing, gaining respect or anything like that. You are free to use it to do any of those things but out of the box it just accepts rewards and items and allows the player to claim them. As I explained in the above video You need a players UID and an array of items to pass to the server to add items. It will also take the players UID and the name of a kit which is exactly like infistar spawn boxes, the format is almost 1:1 so you could copy paste them over. It takes and will give players poptabs, respect, items, weapons, backpacks, uniforms, vests and vehicles. It will also allow you to set quantities for these items and the players can create their own pin# for the claimed vehicles. Here is an example I used to test via admin menu to add items to my own character. ["addRewardsRequest", [getplayeruid player, [["ExileScore",1000],["ExileMoney",2000],"Exile_Item_Flag","Exile_Item_SafeKit",["Exile_Car_Lada_Green",3],"Exile_Chopper_Huey_Green"]]] call ExileClient_system_network_send; ["addKitRequest", [getplayeruid player, "BaseObjectsWood"]] call ExileClient_system_network_send; The first one allows any array of items and set quantities to be based the other will take a predefined kit that is located server side for customization. If any items are already in the players collection box it will stack items so that the space is controlled on the database. There are some settings that can be changed in the config.cpp server side, right off the bat you will need to add your UID to the "AllowedRewardGivers" array or it will deny adding items from players from your UID. This security check for admins can be turned off if you want, its there to not allow people or names not in the list to not be able to give rewards to themselves or other players. All these settings can be found in rewards_server\config.cpp This uses EXTDB2, you can update for EXTDB3 if you wish. IDD for infistar: 57347 Installation Download the files from here: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/ExilePlayerRewards/ Client: Place "custom" folder inside of your root Exile.Altis folder Client: Paste #include "custom\rewards\rewardsDialog.hpp" in the description.ext (also available via github in the config.cpp file) Client: Modify your class CfgNetworkMessages and paste the following (also available via github in the config.cpp file) Client: In your init.sqf please paste the following (also available via github in the init.sqf file) Server: Open the rewards_server folder and open config.cpp and then either add your desired admin UIDs to the "AllowedRewardsGivers" array OR change checkRewards to a 0 this is a security function which will check if a legit sender is trying to reward your players. Server: In config.cpp feel free to change logging to a 0 if you do not want extdb2 logs to be created. As well you can add any custom kits, I have included some examples for you. Server: Run the following rewards.sql on your database to add a rewards table for your players (also available via github in Server\database_additions folder in the rewards.sql file) Server: Paste the following additions to your exile.ini file at the bottom (also available via github in Server\database_additions in the exile_additions.ini file) Example code snippets to call files to add items to players.
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@El Rabito @Powerstriker46 @aussie battler @Its me ZovkT Assuming you followed the main guide - to fix a majority of the duping issues for weapons I would disable the inventory buttons. Its too easy to click fast and take a weapon to dupe it. To disable them comment them out in the inventory override. /* _buttonDown = _dialog ctrlCreate ["RscActivePictureDown", 1337]; _buttonDown ctrlSetPosition [((_posBtn select 0) + (_posBtn select 2) - 0.03), (_posBtn select 1),(_posBtn select 2)/12,(_posBtn select 3)]; _buttonDown ctrlCommit 0; _buttonUp = _dialog ctrlCreate ["RscActivePictureUp", 6969]; _buttonUp ctrlSetPosition [((_posSlot select 0) + (_posSlot select 2) - 0.03), (_posSlot select 1),(_posSlot select 2)/12,(_posSlot select 3)]; _buttonUp ctrlEnable (SecondaryWeaponsClassName != ""); _buttonUp ctrlCommit 0; */ To fix the axe/shovel dupe go to your class CfgSecondaryWeapons class CfgSecondaryWeapons { //Mod Settings DropWeaponOnDeath = "true"; UseAddActions = "true"; SecondaryWeaponsBlockedWeapons[] = { "cup_arifle_mega_sniper", "cup_arifle_big_sniper" }; //OVERRIDES /* Example: FileName = "path\to\override.sqf"; This will override the file I created with your edits. Useful for MP gamemodes and missions if you need to tweak files. SecondaryWeapons_player_hook = "custom\dual_arms\SecondaryWeapons_player_hook.sqf"; is an example if you need to override the hook file. Any files can be overridden with this method! */ //This is important, for use in Exile this override needs to happen SecondaryWeapons_player_hook = "custom\dual_arms\SecondaryWeapons_player_hook.sqf"; //ADD THIS SecondaryWeapons_events_onTake = "custom\dual_arms\SecondaryWeapons_events_onTake.sqf"; }; Add an override for SecondaryWeapons_events_onTake like the example above ^^ This is the contents of the new override: To test to see if it works properly - before drag an axe into your bag, it should create two copies (oops) one in your bag one on the ground. After it should not. Same with right clicking the axe or shovel onto your back. Same with any launchers. This will allow you to take these items into your bag as normal but not on your back if you have a second primary. Let me know if you have any issues!
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I made it without the use of infistar and it seems to have some issues with it and dupes easy with their possible anti dupe. For the best results I would comment out the inventory buttons as its extremely hard to script around dupe methods with those. As a good of a function they are, its just too easy to dupe with. Axes and melee weapons are another issue. I had them fixed for me on a test server w/o infistar but with the same build infistar seems to cause issues. I finally got a copy and I will take a look and see what I can do to stop those. Fingers crossed!
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Updated mod, fixed a duping method. Overrides have changed as a result. Please see the following changes here: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/DualArms You need to change the instances of (primaryWeapon player) call SecondaryWeapons_events_addSecondaryWeapon to (primaryWeapon player) spawn SecondaryWeapons_events_addSecondaryWeapon In both ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp and SecondaryWeapons_player_hook Again files are updated on OP and github. Please let me know of further issues. Added new override on github to not show the second weapon while in a trader menu.
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without logs or errors I can't help with this
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Now on A3Launcher. Let me know if any issues come up or if anyone has any questions.
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Would be easy enough, all my files are overrideable! Updated original post to fix a dupe method with the keybind.. if you already grabbed files please make the proper fixes found in the github or original post!
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Accidentally used like age-old ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyUp.sqf - the current one is now properly on fix if you grabbed files early or didn't patch my edits in with yours the correct file is now in use
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Like Joker said you can add the action to call the initial gui on anything.
Here I will be releasing my scripts in almost a blog style format. [XM8APPS] XM8Paintshop Difficulty: Easy Desc: Allows players to paint their vehicles with whatever RGB colors they want. Allows 4 Saved colors + preset colors by admin. Does not save over restart. Images: Download: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/XM8Paintshop [XM8APPS] TransferRespect Difficulty: Medium Desc: Allows players to Transfer Respect. Players can lose up to 10%(admin configurable) of transferred respect and 10+ players must be online to transfer(admin config.) Images: Download: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/XM8RespectTransfer Note all transfers are logged to .rpt, including amount, sender, reciever, hijacker and online players. [XM8APPS] MapMarkerApp Difficulty: Easy Desc: Allows players to make 6 private map markers that stay over restart/relogging. 9 changeable colors, 4 changeable descriptions, can turn on and off individual markers and change the location at will. Images: Note: Players will have to go into the app and press load changes to see the markers after restart/rejoin.. or load the app twice! Download: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/XM8MapMarkers [XM8APPS] BaseLocatorApp Difficulty: Easy Desc: Allows players to test the location that they are standing on and see if you are able to build there Images: Download: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/XM8BaseLocator [XM8APPS] XM8ThermalScannerPro Difficulty: Hard Desc: Allows players to upload their scans from Thermal Scanner Pro. Can enable/disable scroll menu on objects via the App, so you don't accidentally waste scans when scrolling fast. Images: Note: This will allow you to add half used Thermal Scanners, it will take how many uses are left, not the default 5. Download: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/XM8ThermalScannerPro [MISC] 8G Network Group Colors Difficulty: Medium Desc: Allows players to see their group members as the same color when in the Players App in the XM8 Download: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/8GNetworkGroups [MISC] Extra Inventory Buttons Difficulty: Medium Desc: Allows the addition of two extra buttons to the bottom of your inventory. Download: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/ExileInventoryExtraButtons Updated for Exile, added an example to show how you would exec a script from a button. 29/03/16 Post below if you need any help! Thanks all
Overview of all the found and known issues. Open = Not started working on it yet Addressed = We think we solved it, will review in next RC Fixed = Confirmed working Addressed - If VG doesn't find a safe POS, it doesn't handle it correctly VG now just spawns vehicles where they were last put in Addressed - Ladder hatches aren't snapping correctly and doesn't give the climb option Addressed - Cannot purchase a vehicle after selecting a vehicle pin code Addressed - Huey blades do not move when flying Addressed - HMMWV turret flash is consistently there Addressed - BDRM2 turret flash is consistently there Addressed - Ladder Hatches weren't giving a climb option Addressed - Lada has black around the headlights (panda eyes)
Play on a DayZ themed server if you don't like how it is currently. It is your choice on what you play, not the Exile devs. Exile is the foundation and servers can be militarized and lots of guns or survival, play on what you like. Not one single server has Exile and nothing else, so catering to the minority of players would not be beneficial for Exile.
I don't use infistar but if you need to target the selected player then yes you would need to change it to "getplayeruid _this" For missions you could do it different ways, number one is having an object in the mission that spawns (like the loot crate) and have an addaction that says claim loot and then pass the rewards there or give rewards to the person who kills the last AI. The first option is easier imo and more fair because whoever gets to the loot gets the reward. You could also add this to ZCP missions.
you could do a loop involving forEach allPlayers; and get uids from there
Yes, you can do that. I will not help nor provide details on how to, I just provided the base to do so. I cannot, I provided the base for everyone and admins are free to use it to do whatever.
You are free to use it with ExAd
["addRewardsRequest", [getplayeruid player, [["ExileScore",1000],["ExileMoney",2000],"Exile_Item_Flag","Exile_Item_SafeKit",["Exile_Car_Lada_Green",3],"Exile_Chopper_Huey_Green"]]] call ExileClient_system_network_send; ["addKitRequest", [getplayeruid player, "BaseObjectsWood"]] call ExileClient_system_network_send; Is how you can add to your own player. This script will not generate rewards for anyone, admins must do that.
There will only be items in there if you add items in there. If you added items and there is nothing then check the RPT.
The invite does not work because you were banned.
No where in there do you state that you are good at 3d modeling, only that you have the items and you will send them over. If you knew how to model and had these models then its basically all config at that point.... But just judging by your statements here you have somehow gotten 3D models, but dont know how to get them ingame as wearable objects or equiptment. That is *all* config. P.S. Ripped models don't fair well with most of the Arma community.. Just tossing that out there if it implies here or not
[Opinions/Discussion] Do these weapons and vehicles have a place in Exile?
Andrew_S90 replied to Euphoria's topic in General Discussion
Well, they dont belong because most of the things you mentioned aren't in by default anyways. Besides if someone doesnt like the OP weapons and vehicles then they can simply switch servers where the owner has a different customization in mind. There is a reason exile doesnt ban weapons or vehicles like old dayz mod did, admins are free to configure the servers how they want and if the server is good the players will come. -
Im pretty sure it is possible, I looked into using these on a lingor server but a server key was not provided with the download (might be changed now?) I went ahead and asked both devs of the mod if they had server keys and they both said they would get it added in but yea. I did not do it because unsigned server. Edit: It looks like they did sign it and add a key! (According to changelog)
I am excited!