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  1. Dope

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot Positions

    Anyone mind sharing the lootpositions for Esseker ?
  2. Dope

    Esseker 0.9.8 Loot

    Anyone mind sharing their loot positions for Esseker ?
  3. Dope

    Esseker loot tables.

  4. Dope

    UAV Greyhawk

    I spawned myself a Greyhawk but cant connect it to the terminal ? Any help ?
  5. Dope

    Statusbar gets messed up

    Thanks alot !
  6. Anyone mind taking a look ? I tried to remove some things that we dont need but when I remove hunger and thirst the whole bar gets messed up and poptabs and poptabs in the locker are the same if i got 350 poptabs for example on hand it also shows that i have 325 in the safe but i dont have them in the safe
  7. Dope

    Statusbar Script?

    Anyone mind taking a look ? I removed some things that we dont need but when I remove hunger and thirst the whole bar gets messed up and poptabs and poptabs in the locker are the same if i got 350 poptabs for example on hand it also shows that i have 325 in the safe but i dont have them in the safe
  8. Dope

    Safe Zone Double Spawning Objects (Low FPS?)

    I fixed it ! The problem is in the initPlayerLocal.sqf you probably just copy pasted it inside the file but at the top there already is a line of it so it executes it twice, your top should look like it and then its fixed
  9. Dope

    Safe Zone Double Spawning Objects (Low FPS?)

    I removed the statusbar now and it seems to work im gonna figure something out to fix it
  10. Dope

    Safe Zone Double Spawning Objects (Low FPS?)

    I got the same problem with the save zone im gonna try removing all scripts today and see if it gets fixed
  11. I dont really know how and when it happend I tried to restart the server but didnt helped
  12. Dope

    HeliPad/Achteck bauen ?

    Könnte mir jemand erklären wie man ein Achteck/Helipad baut ? Hab das schon auf mehreren Servern gesehen nur selber nie herausgefunden.