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About seymur4114

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  1. seymur4114

    The game economy needs more entropic forces

    I personally favor a fast paced gameplay, but I can definitely understand someone who wants it to be slow and items to be scarce.
  2. seymur4114

    A reason to kill people.

    Why not increase the price a lot and spawn it at the same time? That way newspawns and people with money can access the items both, and you can always increase the price more ,which makes the players available to loot the killed person and benefit from it. I personally don't like the currency system in exile, if you implement a bank which has a limit in the funds you can store, people will have to store the items in their base. The current bases in Exile are too secure in my opinion, and if that was to change; I think one would not easily keep all their money as they do now.
  3. seymur4114

    The game economy needs more entropic forces

    Not everyone has the time to scavenge for 50 hours just to get a Lynx. Gameplay has to be fast, and there is no reason to remove any weapons from the traders; you can just increase its price.
  4. seymur4114

    A reason to kill people.

    I dont get why people always want to remove items from the traders. If you want to make them rare, just increase its freakin price. BUt the idea that there should be banks and players would have their money on their body is nice and necessary in order to make killing more exciting.
  5. It would only be reasonable to write this as a custom script in the server, not built in exile...
  6. seymur4114

    [GG] Ghostz Gamerz Looking for More Staff !

    Its like applying to freakin Cambridge University...