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Everything posted by GGWOLF


    Primus Networks - We can develop your server!

    To be fair to Primus Networks, the UK datacenter they use were hit with outages for the past 2 days and their main box is being moved today, as per my email with George yesterday. Though I'm sure whatever the outcome George will resolve whatever issues you have.

    Help Me!!

    video is private for me.

    Enigma Revive Troubles

    Most likely cause is a syntax error, check your rpt logs as it should highlight there what exactly the issue is.

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    @BeatenByBacon Can you post your rpt please and I'll take a look (a bit late I know but still worth a try)

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Well all I can say is after updating ChernarusRedux the error vanished and we could upgrade walls again. Maybe an installation error, outdated files?? but to me it seemed like the network id and the position of the base object didnt match hence the error.

    Acquire Persistent Vehicle account_uid

    It might be of help to you to have a look into how AVS tracks persistent vehicles as it gives them a database ID which by way of a tag which acts as the uid in the database. This seems similar to what you're asking. WOLF

    How to Animate the Traders?

    Hi Toni This might help you out, the animations I use are mostly from this list Regards WOLF

    Show off your base.

    Now that's quality craftsmanship, well done.
  9. Can confirm, A3XAI works well with 1.0.4 and very customisation heavy too.
  10. GGWOLF

    Infistar Ban?

    Does it state that you were banned in the kicked message? If not I would imagine that you aren't banned but mods out of date or corrupt files etc. Verify your mods and game files if I were you.
  11. GGWOLF

    Remove radiation zone screen effects

    Nice, thank you for this, really helpful
  12. GGWOLF

    Chernarus Redux

    Nice share
  13. GGWOLF

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Have you tried using AdamKadmons 1.4.5 yet? iirc he and @odizzzzle did some work on vehicle ammo when updating it? Personally I only use the persistent vehicles function without any armed vehicles so I cant really help you there
  14. GGWOLF

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    You have run the AVS.sql query on your database, right? 10) Execute the following query on your exile MySQL database: ALTER TABLE vehicle ADD ammo text NOT NULL; UPDATE vehicle SET ammo='[]' As it looks like that's whats missing to me Edit regarding using AdamKadmons 1.4.5 AVS the difference between them is that AVS was updated to run on x64 servers (extDB3)
  15. GGWOLF

    DayZ ExileEU

    [BST] Black Squad Tactical brings you.... Chernarus 2016: Chernarus was a thriving coastal region back in 2016. Following its breakaway from the former eastern block the economy was back on track, its citizens were able to live without the fear of the overpowering big brother of its former masters, newly found capitalism made a good few wealthy, and as a state its military might was developing well. Then the outbreak took hold, the virus from an unknown source wiped out 70% of the population within 2 weeks. The world encountered what we now know to be zombies for the first time! The undead, feeding off the living. The well heeled of Chernarus acted quickly, seeing their fate before them, approached the military for help and those old eastern block mentalities returned quickly. Using all resources available, the security forces developed a biological agent, with a vaccine (rumour is, this wasn't just developed, but the military already had this "agent" in numbers). To say they moved quickly would be an understatement, within 5 days and 19 days from the initial outbreak the Security forces had located and secured an Island off the shore of Chernarus, setup home for themselves and the wealthy who were now paying them for protection, taking most of the equipment Chernarus had built up with them. To protect themselves against the growing zombie apocalypse that ensued they flooded their new home with "AnthrusC" and issued vaccines to all that dwell on "SALVATION ISLAND" leaving the surviving citizens of Chernarus to fend for themselves. "Survival of the fittest" "Take what is yours"......... "Salvation Island" as the rich call it, is the only safe place left now! Survival?? the citizens have to loot what remains or take on what they call...."SECTOR"....but be warned it's heavily guarded and protected with the "AnthrusC" agent so you wont last long without the appropriate equipment. A group of survivors have established a small Outpost situated near guglovo, trying to make contact with the outside world and help any that ask for it, but supplies are very limited, they have barely enough to keep themselves alive! The server has been developed by experienced players with over 25000 hours in Arma with the overwhelming majority of these hours played in DayZ styled servers. BST’s Dayz ExileEU is a hardcore survival for hardcore player, there will be no hand-holding as 90% of Exiles player aids have been removed for a more authentic and immersive experience. Using a reduced HUD and no kill message when assassinating foes contributes to a more realistic game-play. With an advanced crafting system in place make sure you’re checking the recipes when you are trying to craft items! Although. You won’t want to spend too long checking your shopping lists as zombies in this server are a genuine threat to anyone, bambi to full geared. If you’re looking to find military loots don’t pass by a crashed heli, you might find something decent lying amongst the wreckage. The experience of the developers is reflected throughout the gameplay and atmosphere of the server. Using the Chernarus Redux map with custom built military compounds (Stary Sobor, NWAF Tents, Myshkino Tents, Veresnik. Plus, a couple more locations for survivors to discover themselves) is an integral part of providing a post-apocalyptic feel. A custom designed loot table in line with the apocalyptic theme is fully implemented meaning survivors will have to travel around the map to ensure they are able to find the correct materials for building bases and repairing vehicles, not to mention high tier military loots which will be few and far between and only found in militarised locations. If you don’t feel like you can handle the trek to NWAF there are a range of persistent vehicles which spawn all over the map and when you inevitably crash one, or a bush jumps out at you there are advanced repair mechanics fully implemented into the server! The outpost is the only safe-zone on the map in which you will be able to find a number of NPC’s willing to trade their limited supplies of tools for poptabs. Survivors will be able to store a limited amount of poptabs within The Outpost. The Wastedump will buy any unwanted equipment from survivors for poptabs also. A player to player market with a limit on the number of items able to be listed by one player to ensure that this facility is not used to store items. Items will belong to the market after 5 days unsold and once listed will not be allowed to be bought back by the seller (these features are to encourage a stable economy and fair prices). A lot of time and effort has gone into building this server, check out our short preview below -50 player server (will scale up whenever we need too) Discord = Required Mods: -NATO SF & SPETSNAZ Vehicles - NIArsenal -Enhanced Movement -SMA -Extended_Items_Exile- -Chernarus Redux -CUP Terrains – Core 1.4.2 -Ryan’s Zombies & Demons -Exilee Mod -Community Base Addons v3.6.1 -NIArms All in One Good luck out there survivors!
  16. GGWOLF

    Wanted to get back into Exile. I can't.

    Keep looking, there's still about 10 (to my knowledge) decent survival themed servers out there (check my sig if you have signatures enabled)
  17. So one of our members made us a server promo vid, but ignore the free advertising as thats not my aim here, really just wanted to showcase his work as imo (biased) its very well done.. Credit to Andy Shacks
  18. infistar will sort the day/night voting, I never add an issue with Exad/infistar when i ran both, just make sure you've added Exad's requirements to infistars whitelists correctly.
  19. GGWOLF

    [MarXet] Error RscTitles #include not found.

    You're correct. Not sure why its calling for RecTitles? Which MarXet are you using? Secondcomings? Barcada's? or WolfkillArcadia's?
  20. GGWOLF

    StokesMagee's Resort - Premium Scripts

    +rep for @StokesMagee quality scripts and service. Highly recommended
  21. GGWOLF

    Error ExtDB3 Mysql x64 database _clansIDs

    Just to follow up, for me the issue with the database connection " "clans" connecting with ExtDB3(x64) " is always down to one of 2 things, you've either got the wrong data in exile.ini (depending on who's version of marXet you're using, or the wrong .sql queries again If you're anything like me and trying to get all 3 versions working at some point there will some overlap/conflicting code so where in your installation.
  22. GGWOLF

    [MarXet] Error RscTitles #include not found.

    Class RscTitles if not in your mission config should be in description.ext
  23. GGWOLF

    Error ExtDB3 Mysql x64 database _clansIDs

    Hi there, I'm getting the same error when trying to install @WolfkillArcadia MarXet, I managed to get Barcada's marXet working but it doesn't have the functionality of Wolfs. Did you manage to resolve the issue?
  24. GGWOLF

    upgradeConstructionRequest error

    Thanks for the response @WURSTKETTE I have rechecked them again, found nothing, and I've diff merged all 3 .sqf's you mentioned against the latest exile_server and exile_client and they're identical. Turns out the issue was with the map itself, after chernraus redux got updated on the 6/5/18 the problem was resolved!
  25. GGWOLF

    upgradeConstructionRequest error

    Could someone try and shed some light on an issue that's plaguing the #@%~! out of me please ExileServer - Network message dispatch failed: Parameter count mismatch! Payload: [""gqjbitnx"",""upgradeConstructionRequest"",[5be55d00# 1197224: exile_construction_woodfloor.p3d]] I've been banging my head up against a brick wall since last Thursday with no luck. Basically, the following error happens when trying to upgrade a base part and happens for all players that try this. From reading the error message and trying to educate myself on the issue, as I understand it, the client makes the request to upgrade said base part, Exile_server receives the message, checks that the message checks out, which is the payload(""sessionID"",""required function.sqf"",[5be55d00#(<<not sure what this means) 1197224 (presuming this is tied to the database?): exiile_construction_woodfloor.p3d]] so as the rpt states, the payload has a mismatch thus unable to perform the request and bingo, the error, that part I think I understand to a certain extent. What's bugging the "life" out of me is whats needed to rectify the issue? Things I tried to solve this: Reinstalled Exile client to root. Reinstalled exile_server. Reinstalled x64 overrides. Wiped database. Removed/reinstalled one by one, all addons that interact with database. Watched countless youtube vids on c++ Could anyone shed any light on this please my brain hurts at this point