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About Nebukinezza

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  1. Nebukinezza

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Pretty sure that IT07 is looking at introducing roaming AI and convoys. Just need to wait for him to get it all tested, then it'll be the only mission system I'll use. It's pretty amazing as it stands, any extras will just make it more incredible,
  2. Nebukinezza

    Statusbar Script?

    You sure you have unpacked the whole PBO and not just edited it from PBO manager? It won't save changes unless you've unpacked it , saved it then repacked it.
  3. Nebukinezza

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    You'd be brave to try and roadkill the VEMF AI, generally they mine the area they have invaded.
  4. Nebukinezza

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    DMS doesnt appear to make any diference, I'm also running DMS and it is also working. What I did to check was: Leave all configs as they are, no modifications. UnPBO mission file and add text for the description as instructed. I did find that it matters where you add the text, see below for where I put it. Then add the folder VEMFr_client, then repack. This is the mistake I made, I added the VEMFr_client into the MPmissions folder. It must be packed within the exile.altis.pbo Sorry if you've done this already, but it's what I was doing wrong as the final step isn't clear.
  5. Nebukinezza

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    I'm on GTX and it's working fine mate.
  6. Nebukinezza

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Yep, got it. It's a Exile.Altis.PBO so the folder also needs to be added before you .PBO it?
  7. Nebukinezza

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Copy the VEMFr_client folder over into the root of your mission file.Last line of the instructions, just to clarify, I add the whole folder to the MPmissions folder that contains Exile.Altis? Ok, So it's working if I add it to the exile.altis file and PBO the whole thing. Is this correct?
  8. Nebukinezza

    GTXGAMING server simply not starting

    Infistar is back now. There was an issue yesterday that caused a major fubar on my server too. I had to reinstall. I hear bad things about GTX all the time but I've not had many problems and it's usually fixed quickly. The customer support is very quick.
  9. Nebukinezza

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    IT07, I love this mission system. It's been the easiest thing to install for ages and it has been working fine. I was using the older version until recently when I decided to wipe the server and start afresh. I've unzipped the files, left the config as is and added the description lines to my description file in exile.altis.pbo. I've copied over the VEMFr_client files in to the same MPmissions folder and added the Exile_VEMF_reloaded to my @exileserver/addons folder, next to exile_server_config.pbo and exile_server.pbo. I get as far , in the logs any way as VEMF starting but the mission file doesn't load. Its blank in ARMA3, no Exile or Sandbox. And it just sits at the map file. It worked great before, never had any problems. Probably something I am doing, but I can't identify it. Is it critical where in the description file you paste the info? I've attached it for reference,
  10. Nebukinezza

    Esseker setup on gtx server

    You need to install the AiA lite pack to your root
  11. Nebukinezza

    How to Exile Chernarus (or any other map)

    Yeah it's the mission file. Doesnt seem to work with the rst of the mod. Anyone got a mission file they would care to share?
  12. Nebukinezza

    How to Exile Chernarus (or any other map)

    Looks like it relates to the mission file for chernarus. I'll have a look for an alternative one.
  13. Nebukinezza

    How to Exile Chernarus (or any other map)

    _objects = [ //Your custom objects go here ]; { private ["_object"]; _object = (_x select 0) createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _object setDir (_x select 2); _object setPosATL (_x select 1); _object enableSimulation false; // } forEach _objects; This is the file it's complaining about.
  14. Nebukinezza

    How to Exile Chernarus (or any other map)

    #line 1 "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\initServer.sqf" _objects =" 01.10.2015 17:04:52: XXXXXXX (IP hidden) 35757cdf5db7e9558a37be24dd6da727 - #58 "#line 1 "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\initPlayerLocal.sqf"