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Everything posted by sapphire

  1. sapphire

    The server could kinda use a restart

    There is another problem Id like to highlight. A lot of people who come back from work wants to play but there is nightime which is not acceptable/suitable for many players (for me too). At the peak time which is 17:00 - 23:00 there should definetely be day and not night - or give players chance to overvote every hour the daytime.
  2. sapphire

    Which Linux is the best for running a server?

    Guys, I wouldn´t recommed CentOS for Exile (yes, I´ve tried it already) at all since this distro uses too old versions of packagas. Fedora would be the best choice if you really stand for the RHEL family OSes since it has benchmarked much better gaming perfromance (even in the server role) to CentOS.
  3. sapphire

    The server could kinda use a restart

    Well, now you have real time weather and daylight so it would be ok to leave it at 24 hour restart since the server performance is good enough to handle it.
  4. sapphire

    Game crashes

    Hey guys, today after more then 5 hours of gameplay happend this to me and my friend too. He fixed it somehow not sure what helped tho. Anyone gets this error? It reffers to the Instructions on memory address. Can´t do the memory operation: read. Thanks saph EDIT: forgot the mention this occures during while in lobby and trying to join the mission
  5. sapphire

    Game crashes

    LOG: This crash was solved by NVIDIA Driver downgrade. Crash mentioned in the first post haven´t occured again yet.
  6. sapphire

    Building restrictions

    Exactly. I´m currently playing on overmodded Chernarus Exile server but I really hate its recent mods. That mods are only annoying and restricting everything possible. I really prefer server with good performance and not many mods. But restrict base flags on the map like this is something I would call mandatory option of every Namalsk server. I prefer vanilla Exile servers exactly like the test Namalsk is set. I think that vanilla Exile doesn´t need to change the gameplay by many mods and restrictions in fact.
  7. sapphire

    The server could kinda use a restart

    Fallen trees, destroyed vehicles and tons of supply drops - these are persist until the server restart. I would prefer server restart at least every 2-3 days.
  8. sapphire

    Building restrictions

    It´s true, some idiots put flag to the Norinsk and Sebjan. It´s annoying.
  9. sapphire

    Game crashes

    I removed -nologs option in startup params and it works now, wierd.
  10. sapphire

    CentOS 7 Help
  11. sapphire

    After Restart server dont Shows in A3 Launcher

    Well, A3Launcher is very sensitive to the order of mods - bikeys - I barely remember I had to redesign the order to make server visible in the serverlist.
  12. sapphire

    Chernarus Help

    Your initPlayerLocal.sqf is okey - that's how it should look like in default. Was your server running with Altis Life map? Btw. it seems to me that you might have bad directory address for some reason - I'm not sure about this. :-/ How did you open the pbo? Have you unpacked and repacked it with PboView or cpbo tool? __CUR_MP.Chernarus What is your map configuration code in the config.cfg? It should be like this: class Missions { class Exile { template = Exile.Chernarus; difficulty = "ExileRegular"; // ExileRegular or ExileHardcore }; };And also? Have you tried any another mod to the server already? What is you launch parameters line?
  13. sapphire

    Exile Linux server admins SKYPE-group

  14. sapphire

    Chernarus Help

    Alright, let us know - but it should be OK
  15. sapphire

    Chernarus Help

    What you need to follow is these topics: You can also check out this:
  16. sapphire

    After Restart server dont Shows in A3 Launcher

    Hey, can you find your server here? If yes, what signatures do you have there and in what order?
  17. sapphire

    Exile Linux server admins SKYPE-group

    Steam, maybe? You can set up conversation for exactly who you want to talk with..
  18. sapphire

    Large Gunbag and 1 more thing.

    Well, true is that it is interesting idea to have possibility store large gun in the backpack. I have met this idea already from some players.
  19. sapphire

    Anyone Willing to Help with PBO's?

    it's here I think: exile_server_config.pbo - on Linux I have it in separete folder, not in pbo :-/
  20. sapphire

    Anyone Willing to Help with PBO's?

    also check out this topic or try to google: ConfigallowedFilePatching
  21. sapphire

    Anyone Willing to Help with PBO's?

    All? I think you can have it in few minutes done.. EDIT: wait a sec I got some idea what to check UPDATE: can you show me your exile server cfg?
  22. sapphire

    Anyone Willing to Help with PBO's?

    Have you revoked all the changes in the configs (eg. mentioned in this topic) when you were trying to solve the issue caused by bad directory name? Well, you can see there some Errors in the rpt. Double check all configs for mistakes like you had in the AiA MP directory name. EDIT: What I would also try if I were you - to go step by step the manuals I provided you to run Chernarus map on Exile. This manual worked for me perfectly (even on Linux server with further modifications needed).
  23. sapphire

    Anyone Willing to Help with PBO's?

    Well, I don't use Windows server but - ServerMod parameter says @AllInArmaTerrain and your folder actually is @AllInArmaTerrainPack Are you sure it's correct? sapphire
  24. sapphire

    Anyone Willing to Help with PBO's?

    Are you sure you have both @exile and @exileserver installed on your server? EDIT: what version of @allinarmaterrainpack do you have installed?