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  1. Jimlad

    Family / Groups bugging out

    I don't think exile is developed anymore or any fixes or updates happening
  2. Jimlad

    Family / Groups bugging out

    Ok I will try that. We use family so I will test as the family creator
  3. Jimlad

    Family / Groups bugging out

    We have a large group and it happens to multiple. Also the server gets full In evenings so relogging for multiple players becomes tough. Devs aware I presume ?
  4. Jimlad

    Family / Groups bugging out

    Hi all Anyone know a fix or what causes the families or groups to bug out. It happens almost daily to us. (Large group 5 - 12 players) For the guys that don't know. Family members drop out of the group or family during gameplay If you look on the map you can still see them in the family but they drop off in the top left corner and lose the in game marker. Resulting in teamkills or confusion. Sometimes they drop different players for different people in the group and sometimes the same player or players drop for everyone. Sometimes it auto fixes itself. But we find once it happens once. It will happen again I would imagine it effects larger groups more than smaller ones. We often have to leave the family group and crate a temporary one. This has existed for us for many releases. Anyone know a fix ?
  5. Jimlad


    The delay is normal. Just wait a few seconds and it will come up and you can plant
  6. Jimlad

    the left windows key - toggle help

    anyone ?
  7. Jimlad

    the left windows key - toggle help

    hey guys anyone got a work around, i purchased a gaming keyboard that does not have a left windows key (i know i know, rookie error) and now i am not able to toggle family/party names distance ect ect. anyone got a simple work around ?
  8. Jimlad

    What will happen to the casual player?

    a great server indeed
  9. Jimlad

    What will happen to the casual player?

    well i hope something is in place to give the causal player some sort of break and not force them onto another mod, as i know there are plenty about who love exo like we all do, but don't have the time to plough in as i do,
  10. Jimlad

    What will happen to the casual player?

    you join your friends who play more often, i suspect we have a lot of full time single guys with no wife and kids who can't understand that concept
  11. Jimlad

    What will happen to the casual player?

    hardly fool proof is it
  12. Jimlad

    What will happen to the casual player?

    yeah so that's no good for the casual player, gotta say these new changes may promote base raids but a large player population will soon give up when they have nothing to play with or for. i think the dev team is missing a trick here assuming every player plays all the time and can maintain and protect their money and gear. a far better way would be to keep a banking system but just have a cap, even if it was a low cap at say 50k,
  13. Jimlad

    What will happen to the casual player?

    interesting comets, thanks guys and safes stay for how long without access ? or is that set per server ?
  14. Hi all, with the new changes comes as in the money system and lack of banks what will happen to the casual player? i have a few friends who play exile, but due to work and 'real life' only get a chance to play once or twice a month, i was wondering what will happen to their money or money they earn ? as clearly most servers require you to have a flag that your pay for on a weekly basis to store stuff? i am a bit concerned that group of 'casual' players will just quit as this change seems to be forcing you to play or lose your lot ???