I will describe the whole problem. I have a dedicated server on which I want to put the server exile. I already installed arma 3 dedicated server through steamcmd and mysql server 5.6.27 (+ import exile.sql and turn off strict mode). I decided that configure exile mod files on my local computer. So I installed on my computer arma 3 dedicated server and MySQL database then I configured everything and it worked very well. I copied files (@ExileServer, @infiSTAR_servermod, mission file, basic.cfg, config.cfg and battleye filters) and command line launch parameters (only port changed) from my computer to a dedicated server. I run arma 3 server on my dedicated server without any errors but when i join to server first time infistar didn't load (no chat messages). Then when I disconnect and connect again I spawned in other location with my camera in ground without my loadout and infistar didn't load like before. Used mods (except exile and exile server): AllInArmaTerrainPack + Fix, Mas Weapons (1.10), Mas Vehicles (1.2), Esseker (0.75), Infistar (v0012B) Some logs files from dedicated server: rpt: extdb2 logs: Logs from my local computer: rpt extdb2 log What I already done on dedicated server: check config files (they are identical to those on my computer)check strict mode is off (and is turned off)installed visual studio redistributable 2013 (x86 and x64)check firewallcheck arma 3 server files with steamcmdWhat I noticed: No player connect in log on dedicated server.I see starting session and token but no player connect like in logs from my computer Logs from my local server no sessionAccountStart in extdb2 logs extdb2 log from my computer to compare I ran out of ideas on how to solve it. I can give more details if someone wants to help me.